Sunday, March 17, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Elathain's Soulraid

This weekend I finished off BOTH of the Idoneth Deepkin warbands I have for Warhammer Underworlds. Amanda's been asking me to paint them up ever since Nic and Orion started showing up with their Cyreni's Razors... 

Elathain's Soulraid is the older of the two, it was released during Direchasm, and I bought it when they came out... and then... never got around to painting it until now. 

I'm curious to see how they play. From a brief glance at their cards, it seems they are an aggressive warband that wants to kill everything and harvest their souls - which is true to the fluff about the Deepkin (The only time they leave their enclaves deep beneath the sea is to go on raids to collect souls!). But they seem a little weak, compared to other warbands that CHOOSE VIOLENCE - like Magore's Fiends... 

 Elathain's Soulraid

Elathain Ill-Fated is a Isharann Soulrender. I'm not 100% clear if they are wizards - they aren't identified by the wizard symbol and can't cast spells in the game. In the fluff they have a mystical ability to lure in souls of slain opponents so that they can be captured - and can even use the stolen essence to resurrect fallen Namarti mid-battle (which IS one of Elathain's abilities on the game!) Maybe they're more like "clerics"...? 

Fuirann - a member of the Ishlaen Guard. There to protect Elathain while he's harvesting souls... 

Tammael - a Namarti Thrall.

Duinclaw... I mean... it's a giant crab... THE giant crab that almost won Miniature of the Year... 

 Spinefin - fishy that I'm not entirely sure what they're supposed to do... they have no move... and not attack... and one wound... they pop on and off the board... I **THINK** maybe they can just be used for taking up space and maybe supporting fighters (thought you'd have to telegraph the move by putting the shoal counter on the board a turn in advance of when you want them to show up there...?) 


  1. More great painting.
    And more spikes and interesting minis.

  2. These guys are great! one of the best looking warbands (and they have a crab) and you painted them well.

    1. Thanks! They are a lot of fun. I feel like some of the BEST models Games Workshop is producing these days are the warbands for Warhammer Underworlds!?

    2. I think that is easily true! Something about giving the designers the design elements, but otherwise letting them go nuts makes for some amazing (if fragile!) little warbands. I am sort of glad there is no 40k version, because it would cost me SO MUCH MONEY.

    3. I remember hearing or reading an interview with one of the Warhammer Underworlds design team and they mentioned it was the miniature designers that drive everything - they are basically give carte blanche to do what they want and once they've designed a warband they hand it over to the rules team that then have to figure out a way to work it into the narrative and come up with rules for it!?

      Right!? I discussed the concept of a 40K version of the game with...? someone...? a while back and we came to the same conclusion... it would be disastrous for out bank accounts!
