Monday, March 25, 2024

Warhammer Underworlds - Skabbik's Plaguepack

 It turns out I was mistaken, all the new warbands aren't being released until NEXT Saturday... Apparently at some point last year Games Workshop moved to a two-week pre-order period, which I guess means it's been some time since I cared about picking something up when it was released!? Yay...? 

So, here I am still plugging away at warbands I've already bought.. If I managed to finish up one more 6 fighter warband this week, I'd be (briefly) in the black!? Will I do that!? Maybe... Maybe not... We shall see! 

For now... Here is Skabbik's Plaguepack!

Skabbik's Plaguepack

Skabbik Plagueseeker

Rabidius Skench



Ended up having to do a bit of a conversion with Poxlix. When I went to assemble them I realized the blade on their right had had broken off. Initially I through I'd just carve a knife blade out of some plastic and glue that on... but then decided that might be a bit flimsy and just break off and it might be better to just cut off the hand and glue on a hand holding a blade... the only remotely close to looking appropriate hand holding a blade I could find was from a Nurgle Putrid Blightking (I think...?)... and so I had to do a bit of carving down and Poxlix still ended up with an overly large gauntleted hand holding a much bigger blade... Ah, well... 



These look really fun... in addition to satisfying my need for fart jokes, they might not actually suck!? I guess I'll have to wait and see for sure... 

Which will be next...? Hard to say... While I'm on a roll with Skaven, maybe I could finish up Skittershank’s Clawpack? Sons of Velmorn are so close... Part of me really wants to get Thundrik's Profiteers done... but there are so many bits and bobs and I just don't even know where to start with them!? 

At this point I have painted 37x28mm miniatures so far this year (which makes me giggle because CLERKS REFERENCE) and have purchase 43... Almost caught up! Will I catch up before all the new minis arrive this weekend!? 


  1. Very nicely done! The vibrant contrasting shades of green and purple bring out the pestilential nature of these guys.
    "Poxlix still ended up with an overly large gauntleted hand holding" - maybe it's mutation? (pretty minor one for skaven)

    1. Mutation - that is EXACTLY what I was thinking... I just forgot to mention it in the post!


  2. I love the rich painting- very nice!

    1. Thanks so much!

      I have to admit these were inspired by a warband I saw posted on Reddit's Warhammer Underworlds thingie (subreddit..? I don't know). I do like purple and often paint stuff with purple, but I have to admit I was planning on painting these in the standard drab colours, but then I saw someone else post their Skabbik's Plaguepack in Purple and I really liked how the contrasting green smoke and purple cloaks really "popped"! so I tried something similar myself and am very pleased with how it turned out!
