Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Work-in-Progress-Wednesday - 8 May 2024

 Just a quick update on what I've been painting (which, isn't a LOT!)... 

I can't remember last time I posted an update... I feel like SOME work has been done on Zarbag's Gitz since then... maybe not within the last week tho... 

I did go pick up the Free Miniature-of-the-Month from the Warhammer Store earlier today.... Since I'm mostly working on Age of Sigmar characters, I imagine I'll probably knock this one off pretty quickly! 

I have been puttering away on bits and pieces of detail on some old Warhammer Quest minatures

And some NEWER Warhammer Quest minaitures. 

I rebased these some time ago... just finishing up painting the base (and repainting boots/feet as they often get damaged in the process... Not really counting these as "painted miniatures" for this year... as it was just the base.

also plaucking away at an old Amber Wizard... because maybe I'll finish up that Cities of Sigmar warband for Ghur!? 

Also two Empire (or... Cities of Sigmar) Duellists. I think the one on the left (with the torch) is a Mordhiem figure...?

More assorted basing/re-basing... There's been a lot of this... and might be a bit more soon. It's something I can do when I'm just not feeling like painting... moves things forwards... makes me feel like I'm "accomplishing things"... which I hope will lead to getting back to actually PAINTING things... 

I've been eyeing up other collections to rebase. Early last year, I started reorganizing and re-basing the Lord of the Rings collection. I re-based all of the Rohan and Gondor and Heroes onto round plastic bases... but never got to (most) of the Uruk-hai... I'm thinking it's time to finish them up. Not sure I'll have enough to play a game of Dragon Rampant just yet... but If I knocked off the Riders of Rohan, I could have enough for a good little game. OR once I rebased the Uruk-hai, I could just play some smaller scale skirmish (Song of Blades and Heroes?) with just the heroes versus a horde of Orcs...?

Also thinking about re-basing other forces for Dragon Rampant or Lion Rampant... and thinking about getting rid of a few things. I got rid of 34 assorted elves this past week. Ten were old GW plastic Lothern Sea Guard - six were on a  base together for Hordes of the Things and I had four spares... and that wasn't enough to make a unit of twelve for Dragon Rampant... so I gave them to my friend, Other Tim, who is working on forces for Oathmark. I also gave him unpainted 24 metal Elf archers. cleared up some space in a few drawers. 

Got thinking about maybe getting ride of one of the Lion Rampant retinues (the one generic European one that I haven't painted) because I already HAVE two others that ARE painted... why do I need a third!?

Maybe it's time to ditch the 20mm Modern stuff too... 

That's it for now, I guess... 

What has everyone else been working on!? 

Let me know in the comments below!


  1. I've been painting flats - Zinnfiguren- Renaissance for Italian Wars. Currently working on 16 Swiss.
    It's a completely left field change but now I've got the technique sorted I'm finding it quick and very rewarding....

    1. I just went to check them out on your blog! Those look AMAZING!!

    2. Thanks Tim. They turned out much better than I expected.

    3. They really do look splendid, if I could comment on your blog I would have said so!
      Best Iain caveadsum1471

  2. Nothing really. Still stuck on not having anything I really want to paint. If I don't get started on something soon I may go on a summer hiatus from painting mins.

    1. Ehhh... I get that. It's why I'm re-basing. keeps me doing something hobby related and feeling like I'm moving forwards and not getting too despondent. It is nice out here finally... but it's also tick season... and I am not fond of ticks!!!

    2. Oh yeah. Ticks are icky. :P
      Copplestone does have some fun minis.
      I did go in on some more orc space pirates, but I don't know when those will arrive. I will likely want to paint them soon after they get here. In the meantime, I think I'll look around and see if I can find any minis that strike my fancy, and/or have another look at my pile of lead to see if any of those motivate me. I could also do some rebasing, and maybe try to work out which rules I might want to play. There are other things I could do besides painting. :)

  3. Finishing off some Mark’s Little soldiers and flitting about from one project to the next , as ever.
    The duellists are particularly nice.
    Btw can anyone pick up a free soldier of the month? I’m interested in the one you showed as he has an excellent medieval vibe.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. YES! Anyone can just walk into a Warhammer Store and ask for the free miniature of the month - as long as they still have one, they should give it to you!

      The little soldiers look so fun! I purposefully do not look at Coppelstone's website anymore, lest I get some silly idea!!

  4. I really like the duellists and have been looking at some old Talisman plastic wizards I have for possible Frostgrave, painting Late Romans and Napoleonics and building plastic Italian wars pike block and two units of cavalry and various terrain bits and pieces!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

  5. You called them "old Warhammer Quest," and I thought, aren't those the new ones? Turns out I'm the old one. Anyway, like those duelists. There's just something special about those old timey pistols.

    1. Ha-ha! Yes, they are newer ones in the grand sense - as they are from the Age of Sigmar era... They are just "older" in the sense that they are the older ones that we own. I never had any of the ones put out in the 90s(?). WE bought Silver Tower and Shadows over Hammerhal for Finnegan some time ago, and then, more recently bought Cursed City for myself.
