Friday, June 14, 2024

Cado Ezechiar

 Cado Ezechiar is the protagonist of The Hollow King by John French. Of all the novels out there that get miniatures based on them, I'm not entirely sure why THIS on got one. I've been listening to the Audion book last week while painting and it's okay... I enjoyed it - apparently enough to go out and buy the MINIATURE of Cado... 

There were other factors involved. I liked the look of the mini... thought it might come in handy in Warhammer Underworlds - He seems like the PERFECT character for Silver Tower as he is driven by a singular purpose - hunt down and destroy the Burning Hand - a Tzeentch Sorceress and her army that destroyed his kingdom at the end of the Age of Myth. He'd be a likely candidate for busting into a Silver Tower to slay all the Tzeentch Daemons and cultists within and then shake down the Gaunt Summoner so find out more about the Cult of the Burning Hand?! 

Surely someone, somewhere, has statted him out for this purpose!? 

Cado Ezechiar

I used a base from a Stormcast model - rather than the plaing 40mm base that it came with ... and then added a few sculls and helmets and masks (mostly of Chaos warriors!) 

Also Cado is a Vampire Lord - playable in a Soulblight Gravelords force... and I do have a growing force of those - thank's to Warhammer Underworlds and Warhammer Quest: Cursed City! 

Next up...? Probably the Gargant... or the next (and final) batch of Kairic Acolytes! Then I just have a handful of Tzangors, and Grot Skuttlers and the Gaunt Summoner and a few more familiarts and we'll be ready to play through Silver Tower.



  1. Nicely painted. I don't drop into the Sigmar side of the GW site so I admit I have never even heard of this figure. And it's as plastic kit, too! I may have to start watching Age of Sigmar closer. I haven't had the urge to try Skaventide... yet... but may after this.

    1. Thanks!

      Lot of people out there that just paint the models and never play. Some of them on purpose!

      I don't think a lot of people that DO play Warhammer: Age of Sigmar would have heard of Cado Ezechiar - I hadn't until a few weeks ago when I decided to get Hollow King as my next audiobook to listen to while painting...

  2. Really cool figure, and I like how you painted him. The base with all the skulls and heads is very fitting!

    How large is he though? It seems like all the new vampires are 40mm tall, is he like that too?

    1. Thanks!

      No, he's closer to the standard 28-30mm regular-ish, Human-sized figures from Games Workshop. Puny compared to Radukar the Wolf... but he is standing on a tree stump, so, overall the miniature is taller.
