Thursday, July 25, 2024


I'd been thinking about getting rid of my 40K Chaos Knights for a while - at least the one that I never even assembled! I've never played with them... I probably never WILL play with them... The ones that are done (or nearly done) are king of nice display pieces... But I figured if I could get rid of them and get something I WOULD use...?

But I hadn't gotten around to it... 

Then this morning I was checking out the Saskatchewan Miniatures/Table top gaming Buy and Sell group on Facebook (as I do, from time to time) and found THIS:

Dude was selling a Blades of Khorne army... or willing to trade for KNIGHTS!!

So I sent him a message offering up these... 

A deal was made! 

He even drove into town to make the trade in the afternoon!? (he's in a small town just outside of Saskatoon - it's close enough that a LOT of people commute in for work, maybe half an hour drive...?) 

So now I have a Blades of Khorne army... 

Well... a BIGGER Blades of Khorne army. I already, technically, had one... sort of.. Between the Daemons i got (that could be use in 40k or AoS) and a few Warhammer Underworlds warbands, I already has about 1400 points of stuff. Enough for a Paths to Glory force, but not the requisite models for a Spearhead force. 

This army includes the models for a Spearhead force! 

This may entirely derail my plan of finishing the Soulblight Gravelords next... 

I will be mostly repainting these, starting with what I need for a Spearhead force (Slaughterpriest, 3x Mighty Skullcrushers, 10x Blood Warriors, 10x Bloodreavers). Then, after other Spearhead forces are finished, I'll build out from there to make Paths to Glory forces at 1000 points... 

There are no Daemons in the force, so not at all useful for the 40K Daemon force, but...  

What I got in the deal included:


  • Mighty Lord of Khorne (1) 160 
  • Slaughterpriest (1)  160 
  • Slaughterpriest (1)  160 
  • Bloodsecrator (1)  160 
  • Bloodsecrator (1)  160
  • Bloodstoker (1)  110 
  • Bloodstoker (1)  110 

Points: 1020


  • Blood Warriors (10) 210 
  • Blood Warriors (10) 210 
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  
  • Khorgorath (1) 170 
  • Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  260 
  • Skullreapers (5)  220 

Total: 1470

Army Total: 2490

SEVEN Heroes isn't SUPER Useful in the new edition of AoS with the new Force Construction rules.. But I'm sure I could get a 2000 point fieldable force out of this... 

Regiment (General's) 

  • Hero - Mighty Lord of Khorne (1) 160 - Any Bloodbound Warmonger, Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Bloodsecrator (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Unit - Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  - 260 - Bloodbound, Cavalry
  • Unit - Skullreapers (5)  220 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Khorgorath (1) 170 - Bloodbound, Monster

Total: 800


  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (1)0 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry

Total: 570


  • Hero - Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Unit - Blood Warriors (1)0 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Unit - Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry

Total: 570

Army Total: 1940

don't even need the second Bloodsecrator or either of the Bloodstokers!?

Adding in the Daemons and Warhammer Underworlds warbands that I already had... 


Adding all these options I have ends up wih:



  • Bloodmaster, Herald of Khorne (1) 150 - 0-1 Slaughter Seeker, Any Daemon
  • Karanak (1) 140 - Any Claws of Karanak, Any Flesh Hounds

Points: 290


  • Bloodsecrator (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Bloodsecrator (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Bloodstoker (1)  110 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Bloodstoker (1)  110 - Any Bloodbound - This Hero can join an eligible regiment as a Bloodbound Warmonger
  • Mighty Lord of Khorne (1) 160 - Any Bloodbound Warmonger, Any Bloodbound
  • Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound
  • Slaughterpriest (1)  160 - Any Bloodbound

Points: 1020

Heroes Total: 1310



  • Bloodcrushers (3) 200 - Daemon, Cavalry
  • Bloodletters (10)  200 - Daemon, Infantry
  • Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast
  • Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast
  • Flesh Hounds (5)  110 - Daemon, Beast

Total: 730


  • Blood Warriors (1)0 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Blood Warriors (1)0 210 - Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Bloodreavers (10)  100  Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Khorgorath (1) 170 - Bloodbound, Monster
  • Mighty Skullcrushers (3)  - 260 - Bloodbound, Cavalry
  • Skullreapers (5)  220 - Bloodbound, Infantry

Points: 1470

Units Total: 2200


  • Garrek’s Reavers (5) 70 - Unique, Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Gorechosen of Dromm (3) 190 - Unique, Bloodbound, Infantry
  • Magore’s Fiends (4) 120 - Unique, Bloodbound, Infantry

Total: 380

Force Total: 3890

Yeah... That's a LOT of options... so many options.. I could field multiple armies... easily three, possibly FOUR starting Paths to Glory armies...

We will Make Aqshy Great Again!



  1. Looks like someone has rival spearhead for that Slaanesh army. Glad you found someone that will appreciate/ use your Knights.

    1. Ha-ha! Khorne versus Slaanesh is a classic rivals match-up!

