Monday, August 5, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Blades of Khorne Spearhead Army

 Here, in one place, are pictures of the whole Spearhead force. 

The Entire Force! 

The force is made up of:


  • Slaughter Priest


  • 5x Blood Warriors
  • 5x Blood Warriors
  • 10x Bloodreavers
  • 3x Mighty Skullcrushers

Slaughter Priest

(Alternate Slaughter Priest)

I have two of them an they're both painted, so this guy COULD just as easily be the leader of this force. In fact, this is the Slaughterpriest that is sold with the Vanguard box, so you're probably more likely to see this Slaughterpriest leading Spearhead forces! 

Blood Warriors

MOAR Blood Warriors

Blood Warriors in regular Age of Sigmar are fielded in units of 10. For some reason in Spearhead, units of five are fielded...? 


Bloodreavers are the only unit that can return as "reinforcements". I'm not sure how often they actually WILL do so, as they have an ability called Frenzied Devotion that allows D3 to return to the units at the end of EVERY rough (friendly and enemy!) as long as the Slaughterpriest is within 8"!? They are not great and cannot be counted on to destroy much.. but they are a very durable speed bump that can tie up enemy for a long time! 

Mighty Skullcrushers 

Damn these are hard to kill... They are the ONLY unit in Spearhead with a 2+ save. 

Not impossible, though... 

That's all of them. There is not a lot to a Spearhead force, which is what I like about it! I'm a little concerned that the LACK of variety in the game and the lack of variety in the scenarios, could mean the games end up being very samey-same... We shall see... 

What's next? 

Part of me wants to carry on with some MOAR KHORNE!!!! And, I probably will - finishing up Garrek's Reavers and Gorechosen of Dromm... But after that, I think I might switch gears and try to get a Daughters of Khaine Spearhead force finished up. I will probably NOT be going nuts and trying to finish it in a week like I did with these guys. 

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