Friday, August 30, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Darkoath Army Set

 I did a thing... AGAIN... 

Darkoath Army Set

There were a number of reasons this happened... 

I did kind of need the Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed for a large chunk of the Slaves to Darkness force I already have to be useful in the new edition. I have twenty Chaos Marauder Horse (now "Darkoath Fellriders") and Dark Oath warriors can only join Regiments led by Dark Oath leaders - or a Daemon Prince or Gaunt Summoner - and I had NONE of those... 

Not that ANY of those Chaos Marauder horse were PAINTED or anything... so... "NEED" might be a BIT of an exaggeration. "WOULD NEED"... if ever they got painted and I decided to play Age of Sigmar with a Slaves to Darkness army... in a format that wasn't Spearhead... 

The other reason was I thought these would be fun to use as Adversaries in Soulbound. These would be a more common foe in Aqshy than straight up Khorne Bloodbound or any Hedonites of Slaanesh... and a LOT of my thinking about what units to paint have shifted towards what would be useful in a Soulbound campaign... (More on that in a bit!)

Also... it was a crazy good deal... to buy all of these units separately would be $343CAD... the box set retailed for $250... and the place I got it from (Fenris Workshop - first time I've bought from them... and, full disclosure, this link includes a referral code and if you happen to go there and buy $40 worth of stuff I get some "experience points" for their rewards program that might get me a few dollars off if ever I order from them again... I digress...) was selling it for $179CAD ($71 off the original price of the box)!? Making it about 50% off buying things separately... or if I think about it another way, if I assumed I was going to have to buy the Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed for $63, I got an additional $280 worth of stuff for only $116 (which is 70% off!?)

This adds:

  • 1x Darkoath Chieftain on Warsteed
  • 1x Wilderfiend
  • 5x Darkoath Fellriders
  • 20x Darkoath Marauder

I am tempted to just start assembling and painting these all straight away... but I'm going to try and finish up the Nighthaunts first. Then work on these while working on Stormcast and Daughters of Khaine Spearhead armies... 


  1. I liked the Darkoath Army and if I was playing AoS it would be one I would do. Good choice, even better at a discount! Have been looking at The Old World and how I can get back into the game without spending a fortune but Skaventide is making me re-evaluate AoS.

    1. I think the cheapest way to play old world is to own a Warhammer Fantasy army that you built 20-30 years ago and still have in boxes squirrelled away in your attic...

      I can't say I ever loved Warhammer Fantasy. I mean, I liked the idea of it and I loved the setting and had a lot of fun with WFRP... Occasionally I played some skirmish versions that were okay... and Mordheim... But the big battle game... Ugh... not for me! So I have no nostalgia driven need to return to that. I vastly prefer Age of Sigmar.

      I'm not going to say anything ridiculous like Age of Sigmar is a "better game" because different people like different things and I hold no judgements like that anymore. I don't even LOVE Age of Sigmar... There are elements I like. There are elements I dislike intensely. But it's popular and, at the core of it, there is something useable that I think, with a campaign system and recruiting the right people, could be a lot of fun...

      Sorry, I just had a LONG, WEIRD day where a lot of rethinking and reevaluating of ALL THE GAMES happened and I'm still trying to figure out how to move forward. I may or may not do an entire post about it at some point in the not-to-distant future... Maybe this evening... Maybe never... Ha-ha!
