Thursday, August 1, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Mighty Skullcrushers

 I finished up the last two Mighty Skullcrushers earlier today... 

Mighty Skullcrushers

Oooh, they are so mighty....

Crushing Skulls

Taking Names... 

Or... something like that!?

I don't know.. 

I don't LOVE that two of them are not wearing helmets!? If I'd assembled them (or had bits to re-do these, I'd have them all in helmets. Alas, when acquiring used models, this is what you get.... bareheaded knights... 

I do like these models, though. The daemon-engine mounts are pretty crazy. There's a megalomanical part of me that would love to field a HORDE of these, led by a Lord of Khorne on a Juggernaut... 

I might still pick up a Lord of Khorne on Juggernaut...  I think I'd have to paint up ALL the Bloodbound before I'd let myself pick up the Lord of Khorne... 

I doubt I'll pick up MORE of these..

Two more units to finish up in the next two days!? Hopefully I'll finish up the Blood Warriors tomorrow and the Bloodreapers on Saturday! 

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