Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Work-In-Progress Wednesday - 14 August 2024

After the panic rush to get the Blades of Khorne Spearhead force done, things have slowed down some this past week, as I took some time to get caught up on real life things... and... y'know... actually PLAY SOME GAMES (I have a couple of overdue game reports to post!!) 

I still have a pile of Khorne stuff on the workbench that I had on there while working on the Spearhead army... hoping I'd be able to maintain momentum and get some extra things done...

A Mighty Lord of Khorne and a Bloodsecrator... two heroes that could lead my Legions of BLOOD!!

The Gorechosen of Dromm - Warhammer Underworlds warband

I also rebased Magore's Fiends (along with the Gorechosen above) to match all the other Blades of Khorne forces I've been doing on this sort of "flagstone and rubble" scheme... 

the second unit of Blood Warriors also made it onto the workbench. they seemed like an easy enough unit to finish up.. 

But then I also decided to assemble and paint the Stormcast HEROES from Skaventide, hoping that might motivate me to knock off the Stormcast Spearhead force from that... 

(I have settled on Anvils of Heldenhammer!)

Lord-Vigilant on Gryph-stalker

Lord-Terminos, Lord-Veritant (and gryphcrow), and Knight Questor. 

Also a few Castigors that I had started a while back as test models of Anvils of Heldenhammer... 

BUT ALSO.... I decided I should get going on the Daughters of Khaine Spearhead force... because... REASONS?!

Melusai Ironscale


half of the unit of Witchaelves.

I still need to finish assembling these (5 more!) and the five mounted Doomfire Warlocks... 

Not sure if I'll finish these up next, or quickly power through the Stormcast (there are fewer of those and, I think, they'd be quicker and easier to paint!) 

I also finally assembled and based and primed this Free-Miniature-of-the-Month - some king of Intercessor Scout...? He came with a 28.5mm base.. but I've put him on this 32mm sector mechanicus base because it is more fun and interesting and he'll never be part of a regular 40K unit or used in a regular game of 40K... He might show up in a game of Wrath & Glory - if ever he sees action on the tabletop!? 

He might just go straight into the "marines to do" box... 

What is everyone else working on this week!? 

Has anyone else got sucked into this Spearhead nonsense!?

Or, if you're not getting any painting/hobby stuff done (I get it, it's summer - in the northern hemisphere, at least) what other fun things are you doing!?


  1. For me, mostly a lot of reading between migraines. And an occasional nature walk when I can get out early enough to beat the heat. Finally seeing some cooler weather, so I'm hoping to get back to painting and other pursuits. And I have started on trying to set up a solo sci-fi RPG campaign for myself. Just getting some basic premises down, and sorting out what rules I want to try using for it. Whatever I use, I will make it non grimdark, hopefully more whimlight, or at least more upbeat. :D

    1. Well that doesn't sound super fun!? I hope you are relived of both migraines and extreme heat promptly!

      I do hope you'll share some of your adventures on your blog - whichever system you work out for yourself!
