Tuesday, September 10, 2024

En Garde - The Brown Bunch Redux

 This one was easier and quicker to do as they were ALL painted and only needed rebasing... which does require some repainting, but generally just the shoes!

The Brown Bunch

Again, I decided to figure out how they could all be shoved into a 100 point warband... 

Hieronymous Vermeer - Rank 4 - Sword, Dagger - 22 points

Maarten Cock - Rank 3 - Sword, Light Armour - 17 points

Frans Vellecoop - Rank 3 - Sword, Dagger - 15 

Willem Bloot - Rank 2 - Sword, Dagger, Pistol - 14 points

Joachim Schooten - Rank 2 - Matchlock, Dagger - 12 points

Pieter Kunst - Rank 1 - Halberd, Dagger - 7 points

Jan van Florin - Rank 1 - Blunderbus - 6 points

Dirck Dijck - Rank 1 - Blunderbus - 6 points

Total: 99 points! 

I just realized, as i was finishing this up, there are a BUNCH of attributes that can be given to models at 3 points each... Ugggghhhh... I'm going to have to redo all of these.. Maybe I'll have to up the points limit to each warband... ah well... I have a starting point. 

Also... Should probably just do these for Flashing Steel/Song of Blades and Heroes... 

Just the Blue Brigade to finish up. Only two of them were ever completed, so I have a few to finish up - like, beyond just the shoes! 

Of course... It's occurred to me that I don't really have a SETTING for these... Because I ALWAYS think in terms of campaigns and settings (well... ALMOST always)... But for this I just got really excited about the game when it was announced and bought myself a bunch of miniatures from Wargames Foundry, without much thought about WHERE these gangs would be fighting - just imagined a nebulous, generic European city... or maybe a very europeanized colonial city...? Lately my mind has been drifting to the idea of a fictional city... and then I thought - What about the Princess Bride!? 

I remember the countries were Florin and Guilder, were the names of cities ever mentioned...? Was the capitol of Florin just Florin City...? (This idea initially popped into my head when I was writing the previous post about the Red Warband and got thinking one of the miniatures looked a little like Count Rugen (from the film version) - if he'd been dressed in green or yellow, instead of red... and I briefly thought about modelling an extra finger onto him! 

I will have to  give this more thought... Gangs of Florin City...? 


  1. Outstanding bunch! I don't think the movie ever specified any city names, and it's been decades since I've read the book. But I think Gangs of Florin City sounds like an ace game!

  2. Lovely finish on these figures and nebulous European makes sense, isn't there a Sicilian in Princess bride?
    Best Iain

    1. Ha-ha! There is! Vizzini! And he should never be trusted when death is on the line - it's the second rule (after never get involved in a land war in Asia!?) Guilder and Florin are fictional, but I'm pretty sure there are other references to real Earth locations...

      I've somehow imagined Florin City, as a rather metropolitan place and each of the gangs represent groups from different nations residing in the city...? Are they traders? Spies? Immigrants? Political exiles or criminals having fled their homelands?! I don't know yet! I used predominantly Italian names of the Red Gang and Dutch names for these guys... I've come up with a bunch of Spanish names for the Green Gang and was planning french names for all the Blue Brigade....

  3. Another well-painted gang. Nice assortment of figures, looking a bit rough and tumble.

    Yes, the capital of Florin is Florin City (according to a map included in an illustrated version of the book in my possession). Australia was also mentioned at some point (in relation to iocaine powder).

    1. Right! Of course! Iocan powder comes from Australia and they're all criminals down there, therefore Vizzini could not be trusted!

      I really need to watch that again, sometime!

      Ha-ha! Thanks!
