Wednesday, November 27, 2024

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City Hostiles - Deadwalker Zombies!!

Just in time for the first game of Warhammer Quest: Cursed City, I have FINALLY finished up the Deadwalker Zombies. 

Deadwalker Zombies

I don't love these miniatures. There are just too many details for minions that ought to be fielded as HORDES. I ended up doing a very quick and nasty paint job, blocking in colours and then sloshing them with Agrax Earthshade! I figured no one will pay much THAT attention to them.... and if they look a mess... well... they're ZOMBIES.... the SHOULD look a little messy! 

I actually took some inspiration from the very first miniatures I got my kids to paint. I got two boxes of Zombies from... whatever Wargames Atlantic used to be...? and they each painted up 20-30 of them... and... if you look closely at them, the paint jobs are TERRIBLE... but if you look at them as a group - they look FANTASTIC?! The messy paint job just gave the group an "off" look like there was something very wrong with them that wasn't immediately apparent... like... looking at a horde of zombies. I figured if it worked for the kids, I could relax and just paint these VERY QUICKLY without worrying TOO MUCH about the details! 

I'm not sure if it is fortunate or unfortunate that the Cursed City box only came with these ten of them. I am loathe to paint more... but... Deadwalker Zombies are a unit that can be fielded in a Soulblight Gravelords army, which anyone who owns Cursed City kind of has by default!? The unfortunate bit is they are fielded in units of TWENTY!? They are only sold in units of twenty as well... which makes a batch of ten kind of useless... unless you can find someone else similarly afflicted with only ten zombied with which you could split a box of twenty and each end up with a full unit of twenty! 

I will probably do this with my friend Orion at some point.. 

The Deadwalker Zombies sold as units for Age of Sigmar are very similar, but not quite the same as these. They don't ALL have grave markers on their back with flowers and candles and there aren't quite as many roots growing through them... Hopefully they'll go a little quicker! 

ALL THE HOSTILES for Cursed City! 

I still have Torgillius the Chamberlain and Gorslav the Gravekeeper to finish up for hostiles. Also the Gravestones and Gibbet markers and four more of the Heroes. I should have most of those finished up for next week! 

So exited to finally get going with this! Stay tuned for the Game Report of our First Hunt!!

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