Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Age of Sigmar - Lady Annika, the Thirsting Blade, and Kritza the Rat Prince


Lady Annika, the Thirsting Blade, and Kritza the Rat Prince.

These are two of the Vampires required (Okay... SUGGESTED!?) for Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Night Wars - the follow up quest that takes place AFTER the main quest in Cursed City. A Trio of other vampires step in to fill the power void when Radukar is taken out, and carry on with business as usual, and the characters have to start all over again... except that they're all fifth level and hard-hittin' muthafukkas! 

Also, they are named Vampire Lord characters that can be used in my Soulblight Gravelord army for Age of Sigmar... and.. well VAMPIRES!? They're handy for ANY horror setting!? 

Lady Annika, the Thirsting Blade

Kritza the Rat Prince

The Vyrkos Vampires (and Korsargi Guard Ogors) 

Of course what I SHOULD have been painting this week were the OTHER HEROES for Cursed City... that I need NOW... not the vampires needed for the SEQUEL!? 

Ah, well... with these out of the way, surely I can focus and get the last four heroes (and last two adversary characters!!) this week!? 



  1. You may not need them now, but look at those guys! How could you not paint them?

    1. Ha-ha! RIGHT!?

      You get it!

      The best thing is, they weren't even terribly hard or fiddly to paint! Just the right amount of detail to make them look SO COOL and NOT be a pain in the ass!!

  2. Splendid undead! I really like the wizard of Oz Guard ogres!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471

    1. Thanks Iain!

      I do not recall there Ogres in Wizard of Oz... but I'll have to admit, it has been decades since I last saw it!?

    2. They're not really ogres, more like hobgoblin in big coats and fur hats with halberd that the central characters dress up in to get into the witches castle, clearly made a big impression in me!
      Best Iain caveadsum1471

    3. Ha-ha! I wonder if it was inspiration for the ogres, on some level? I'll have to check it out at some point! Were they green with red facings? I was trying to go for a Russian look with these, as that's what the uniforms kind of reminded me of!

    4. I thought they did but they were green wearing a grey uniform with red facings , the Winkie guard!
      Best Iain

  3. I agree, excellent painting! Those all look very creepy. They make traditional vampires look quaint. ha ha

    1. Thanks!

      I love all of the Vampires in the line... I still have two to paint... which is already WAY TOO MANY Vampires - as they are all heroes, each of which commands their own regiment - at least in Age of Sigmar... and yes there is at least one or two more that I'd like to get!?

      It is a bit absurd...

      What I probably need to do is just admit I like collecting and painting them and IMAGINING the adventures they might go on... more than I actually like playing games with them... It'll probably be easier to be not so hard on myself for paying the ridiculous sums I've paid for some of these when I stop thinking about paying that much for a game piece, and think of it more as a collectible thing... because people out there spend STUPID amounts of money for mass-produced, pre-painted collectibles... I don't judge them... why do I need to judge myself (or worry about how others will judge me) every time I do this...!?

    2. If I am being honest, that's what a lot of my miniatures purchases amount to. I buy a lot of them because I like how they look, with no plans or ideas of actually using them in games. It can be enough that I enjoy painting them, looking at them, and possibly imagining characters, scenarios, etc.
      As some RPGers like to say, it's all play, even if you are just creating characters or reading rules or background/fluff or coming up with your own background info or scenarios or drawing maps or making terrain or doing anything else game-related, even if you never actually play the game. And some things, such as creating characters, can certainly be gaming/playing, even in a stricter sense of the words.

    3. "it's all play" I'd never heard (read) that particularly articulated that way before, but it really is, isn't it!

    4. Exactly, if you want to paint vampires, keep painting vampires!
      Best Iain
