Sunday, December 29, 2024

One Last Trip...


... To the Warhammer Store!

(for this year)

Almost two months ago, I'd ordered a Darkling Coven Sorceress online and had it delivered to the store... (because when we started talking about playing Soulbound, Finnegan had initially considered reviving the Daughters of Khaine Hag Priestess, and I thought this would be a fun mini to use...)... but then never got around to going out and picking it up. Every time I'd planned to roll out there, there ended up being a bit dump of fresh snow the night before, or the temperature plummeted into the -30s (°C)... or both... 

So I finally got out there and had a chat with John, the manager, and ended up leaving with a Lord of Plagues!? 

I... I have no real explanation... 

Just a cool miniature, I guess... can add him to Wurmspat to make a small warband of Nurgle followers...? It seemed like a good idea at the time!?

I have a LOT to paint before Tuesday - for our next in-person game of Soulbound. None of there, thankfully... but IDEALLY the three Tzaangor on Discs... AND the Screamers... AND the Arkanauts... AND maybe some of the other Tzaangor... 

Wish I could say I have tonight, tomorrow and most of Tuesday to finish them up... but I have a book club tonight, and friends coming over to play board games in the afternoon tomorrow... 

How much will I get done!?


  1. You have a very busy social calendar, Tim! For us, while the mountain passes have been receiving lots of snow, our winter has been relatively mild with lots of rain. If the temps were a little colder, we would have a lot of snow too.

    1. It's been a weird, weird winter here... the fall was very mild, and then one week it was +20°C and the next it was -30°C and blizzarding and dumping massive amounts of snow... then warming up to melting... then back into the deepfreeze and dumping MORE snow... then warming up to melting again... then back into the deepfreeze and dumping MORE snow... This past week, another dump of snow... then the last few days it's been melting, this coming week are forecasting daytime highs in the -20s again!? It's like, MAKE UP YOUR MIND!? Ha-ha!

  2. Good luck!
    Do you use special tires for biking in snow? I imagine you have to watch out for ice, too, eh?

    1. Well the bike is a Fat Tire bike with wheels that are about 4-6" across... it's kind of like a rolling snowshoe. Amanda bought one ten years ago and I though they can't be THAT much better... it took me four years to try one out and... wow... do they ever make a difference!!

      You can get studded tires - Amanda has one on the front of her bike. I haven't felt the need to get any yet...

      I have used studded tires on other bikes - mountain bikes, our old cargo bike, an old touring bike I rode a few winters... and they definitely help... but the fat tires are a game-changer!

  3. Always love that DE sorcerer and Nurgle lord!

    1. They really do make some fantastic models... it's hard to not WANT THEM ALL!?

