Monday, December 2, 2024

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session One - The First Hunt!

 Last week we finally got started on Warhammer Quest: Cursed City. 

I bought the game when it was first released in 2021! We still hadn't (and still HAVEN'T!) finished Warhammer Quest: Blackstone Fortress... well... we had finished the quest in the core box and two or three of the other expansions (of MANY!) 

While I was keenly interested in the Age of Sigmar this year, I decided I should paint up all of the miniatures for the various Warhammer Quest games set in the Age of Sigmar we had in the family. Finnegan has Silver Tower and Shadows over Hammerhal. 

I did manage to get all the stuff done for Shadows Over Hammerhal and we've played through that. While playing through that I've been trying to finish up the miniatures for Cursed City. 

They're not ALL done yet... but I had enough done to start playing, so start playing we did!!

In Cursed City, a disparate band of heroes, based on a Kharadron Overlords skyship, land in the city of Ulfenkarn, periodically and carry out missions meant to destabilize the hold the vampires hold over the city and, ultimately to destroy them. 

 The first mission we went on was a Hunt mission, which is pretty straight forward - run around the cities streets and alleys and kill undead creatures! 

Amanda was playing Emelda Braskov and Glaurio ven Alten III - both the last of their line of mortal human nobles that once ruled the city, back when it was called Mournhold. 

Finnegan was playing Jelsen Darrock and  Brutogg Corpse-Eater, a ex-Witch-Hunter-turned-Vampire-Hunter and a Mercenary Ogor, respectively. 

I kind of played Game Master and controlled the hostile forces and generally kept the game running. 

It is MEANT to be played as a coop game and all the Hostiles actions are dictated by a simple table of actions rolled on each round... 

Our heroes in the Landing Zone... 

Brutogg Corpse-Eater was the first out of the gate, charged around the corner and smashed a pair of skeletons into many small bone shards and battered scraps of armour and weapons! 

Glaurio ven Alten III was next and strode forth and blasted a giant blood bat out of the sky with his pistol, and then charged in to cut the rest of the swarm down with his sword! 

he could not get them all, though, so Emelda Braskov rushed to his aid! 

Round Two - Amanda rolling the destiny dice was very disapointed to have to discard so many sixes (any time a destiny dice is rolled that matches any of the other dice rolled they are discarded and not used that round!)

Jelson Darrock investigated a Mysterious Object... 

and discovered a rather cool artifact! 

Emelda Braskov searched another and discovered some explosive charge... the two swapped treasures and carried on. 

Brutogg heard the scurrying of corpse rats down another alley and charged after them, smashing them with his giant mace and crushing them under foot with his massive boots! 

Glaurio ven Alten III came to help him finish up the scurrying horde! 

"It's quiet... TOO quiet"

Darrock and Braskov wait and listen for the next hostiles to show up... 

With all the initial Hostiles slain in the same round it took another round for more to show up! 

MORE Rats... The disgusted Ven Alton... 

But Brutogg found them rather tasty little snacks! 

Darrock charged after some shuffling sounds heard down a side passage and found some Deadwalker Zombies! 

He stumbled and was nearly overwhelmed by them... 

But Braskov came rushing in and cut the monsters down

The sound of combat drew the attention of more Skeletons...

Which were cut down by Braskov and Darrock... 

Then a blood curdling screech announced the arrival of something a little more terrifying: one of the Vyrkos Blood-Born - a savage and feral sort of Vampire! 

"Stand back" said Darrock, "this one is MINE!" 

He stepped forward and blasted it with his big gun... the shot missed the insanely fast vampire. 

He then charged in and slashed at it with his Ardent Blade.. 

Again, Braskov stepped in to aid and finished off the vampire! 

MORE zombies shambled up and Braskov cut them down as well! 

More Skeletons arrived and Ven Alten stepped forward to deal with them! 

For his troubles he was wounded terribly by the Watch Sergeant... 

Again, Braskov rushed in to clean up... 

Finally Watch Captain Halgrim arrived to see where all his Ulfenwatch had disappeared to! 

Darrock fought the Skeletal Champion! 

Blocks away, Ven Alten and Braskov could hear the combat, but were unable to get there in time to aid them! 

Darrock finished off the Watch Captain (but that wasn't the last they'd see of HIM!) and helped Brutogg cut down some more bats! 

Brutogg swore they tasted just like chicken! 

Ven Alten, having bound his wounds, dealt with a few more Zombies.. 

Then one of the Kosargi Nightguard arrived - one of Radukar the Wolf's Undead Ogor bodyguards. Brutogg met it and there was some savage Ogor-on-Ogor violence. 

More Skeletons of the Ulfenwatch arrived and joined the undead Ogor. Darrock joined Brutogg in battling them! 

Guess who else showed up!? 

Braslov arrived in the nick of time and cut down skeletons and finished off the Undead Ogor... 

With the arrival of the Kosargi Nightguard, there was a concern that Radukar himself might not be far behind, so the heroes made for the pick up location and signalled the airship! 

Another Kosargi Nightguard with MORE Skeletons and Zombies showed up... but the Heroes were long gone! 

The successful mission dropped the Vampired Influence by two points, but raised the FEAR! Next week (or, rather THIS WEEK, as I've taken rather too long to finish up this game report!) the adventurers will attempt a Deliverence Mission to lower the FEAR!

Great fun was had, I'm very much looking forward to playing through the rest of this campaign. It may take a while... each mission four of the (EIGHT) characters gain experience... it takes gaining experience THREE TIMES before they gain a new level. At least four of them have to get to Level One to go on the first Decapitation Mission - going after a Vargskyr - and no one can gain experience beyond first level until they have successfully carried out the first decapitation mission... I think there are two mission that can be done at second level... then the rest each require another level to be gained before they can be carried out! So a MINIMUM of seventeen mission have to be played out, assuming they ONLY used these four heroes, and every single mission was a success... IF we manage one game a week, we'll be playing until at least March! 

(I think Amanda and Finnegan may alternate between heroes to bring them all up to each level as they go... so... maybe June?! 

And then there is the expansion quest: NIGHT WARS!! 

So excited was I... I ran back out to the Dragon's Den and picked up two of the Vampires I'll need for Night Wars... (possibly half a year away!?)

Perhaps we'll get in some bonus games over the Holidaze! 

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