Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Work-in-Progress Wedensday - 18 December 2024

I have worked on painting a FEW miniatures this week... I finished up Qlathis and Dagnai Holdenstock, and a Stormvermin, and the Darkoath Chieftan on the Warsteed, and then in the last few days I finished up five Spite-Revenants.

But other than that, I haven't really been working on a lot of other things, miniature-wise... Like stuff that's still "in-progress" that have actually been worked on this past week... because the stuff I'd worked on mostly got finished up!?

Also, Staples FINALLY (after THREE AND A HALF WEEKS!!) finished printing the pdf cards for the new edition of Warhammer Underworlds and I've busied myself since Friday cutting, and gluing fronts and backs of fighter and warscroll cards together for a number of my favourite factions (that I have cards for...) and a few others besides. 

These are the ones I've finished... 

But there are PLENTY more to do!!! 

Loads of things still on the workbench... I've done a bit or work on a few of them... 

Octren Glimscry,  Cleona Zeitengale, Torgillius the Chamberlain, and Gorslav the Gravekeeper  (all of which I'd hoped to finish for Warhammer Quest TONIGHT!)!

Octern and Cleona are VERY close to being finished... I still might get them done!!

Two really, REALLY old Citadel Miniatures that I've had for-EVAR... I can't remember if I ever finished painting them... or if I had, but stripped them years ago to repaint..? I think they're both from the Talisman line of miniatures and they're getting painted (or, repainted) now to use as NPCs in our Soulbound game! 

Chaos Sorcerer Lord got a bit of work done this past week... hopefully finish up this coming week!?

Finnegan's Tzangors (from Warhammer Quest: Silver Tower) have snuck their way back onto the workbench - largely because I may need them for Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Soulbound next week! I tried using a heavy drybrushing for the lighter blue, thinking it would be quiker and it looks awful... so I'll have to re-do the darker undercoat on that one and try to do a better job. I'm not in quite as much of a rush as I thought I'd be now, so, I can take my time...

As ever, there is just SO MUCH other stuff crowding he workbench that HASN'T been actively worked on in the last week(s)... 


Like everywhere, all over... it's a bit much, really!

This week, I'll likely work on the Tzangors and then the last of the Sylvaneth and Nighthaunts... at some point I'd like to work in a few Warhammer Underworlds warbands that have been half-painted for far too long (Starblood Stalkers and Gorechosen of Dromm) 

I guess there are only two weeks left in the year!? If I could get the last two Warhammer Quest Hostiles, the Tzangors and the Sylvaneth and Nighthaunts all done by the end of the year, I'd be pretty happy. (I'd be even happier if I could finish up Dromm and the Starblood Stalkers!) 

Then in the new year, I'd like to assemble all of the rest of the Soulblight Gravelords and ALL THE DARKOATH (and other Slaves to Darkness stuff) and get the two Spearhead armies finished and then flesh them out to larger Path to Glory forces. 


  1. Yeah, that's a lot of stuff! On the other hand, you get a lot done, too.

    1. I constantly feel like I should clean it all up... but that would take time to think about everything and make decisions about where and how to organize it... and that would all take time away from PAINTING and if I just get painting it will all EVENTUALLY move off the table into its permanent finished storage place?!

  2. That is a lot of stuff, I;m pretty strict in what goes in the tray figure wise as I also have to get the paints I'm using out as well, everything else goes in a box file, before it's painted and usually after at least for a bit! Couldn't you use a darker wash on that blue, save you going back to base?
    Best Iain
