Monday, January 20, 2025

40K - Aeldari - Faction Update

Since the announcement late last year (at the World Championships in November?) that the Aeldari Codex would be one of the first ones released this year, I've been thinking about doing a bit of a stock-taking of my Aeldari forces... 

Then with the announcement yesterday that the Codex will be going up for pre-order this coming Saturday, and released on 8 February 202, I thought it was about time I got to it!  

There really isn't much ORGANIZING to do for this, as 40K has abandoned force construction rules - other than everything is now set unit sizes and you can't have more than three of any thing (or six, if it's core troops). The point values might change with the release of the new codex... I just hope they don't fuck around with the unit sizes!

This is what I have for Aeldari and what I still need to do as of the beginning of January 2025... 


These are all the Aeldari I currently have done. 


  • Farseer (1) 80 pts
  • Warlock Conclave(2)  60 pts
  • Dire Avengers (10).140 pts
  • Dire Avengers (10).140 pts
  • Warp Spiders (10) 230 pts
  • Rangers (5) 55 pts
  • Rangers (5) 55 pts
  • Rangers (5) 55 pts
  • Wraithguard (5) 170 pts
  • Wraithlord (1) 160 pts
  • Wraithlord (1) 160 pts
  • Wraithlord (1) 160 pts

Assuryani Total: 1465


  • Troupe Master (1)  55 pts
  • Shadowseer (1) 60 pts
  • Solitaire (1) 115 pts
  • Death Jester (1)  90 pts
  • Death Jester (1)  90 pts
  • Death Jester (1)  90 pts
  • Troupe (6)  90 pts 

Harlequin Total: 590

TOTAL: 2055

Wow... that's already a 2000+ point force! All the other stuff to paint is just OPTIONS, I guess!? 

Oh, and that doesn't even include all those big tanks in the background!  

Titanic Tanks

  • Scorpion (1)  410 pts
  • Scorpion (1)  410 pts
  • Scorpion (1)  410 pts

Titanic Total: 1230

The models are old Armoucast Tempest Heavy Tanks... but they're very similar to the current Scorpion Heavy Tanks, so... that's what I'd use them as! 

Still to DO!

This is all the Aeldari things I still have to do... well... most of them... 

  • Autarch (1) 75 pts
  • Autarch Wayleaper (1) 115 pts
  • Farseer (1) 80 pts
  • Warlock (1)  45 pts
  • Warlock Conclave (2)  60 pts 
  • Warlock Conclave (4)  120 pts
  • Fuegan (1)  115 pts
  • Jain Zar (1) 105 pts
  • Karandras (1) 100 pts
  • Baharroth (1) 125 pts
  • Fire Dragons (5)  85 pts
  • Howling Banshees (5)  85 pts
  • Howling Banshees (5)  85 pts
  • Dark Reapers (5) 80 pts 
  • Striking Scorpions (5)  75 pts 
  • Striking Scorpions (5)  75 pts 
  • Swooping Hawks (10) 150 pts
  • Warp Spiders (10) 230 pts
  • Guardian Defenders (11) 110 pts
  • Guardian Defenders (11) 110 pts
  • Guardian Defenders (11) 110 pts
  • Rangers (5) 55 pts
  • Rangers (5) 55 pts
  • Rangers (5) 55 pts
  • Falcon (1) 140 pts
  • War Walker (1) 110 pts
  • Wraithknight (1) 510 pts
  • Wraithknight (1) 510 pts

Total: 3570

Another 3570!? That's a LOT of options to play around with (or a full second force!?) 

One of the Wraithknights there is fully painted. It was Keiran's and they said they don't want it anymore, so I've taken it. I may or may not repaint it. Maybe... if I ever get the one I own done... and I want them to match...? I'll probably keep it as is... 


I also have a few other Titanic forces which didn't fit into the pictures... 

Phantom Titan - the old Armourcast version - partly painted/partly assembled - I didn't feel like getting it out of the cabinet - it is SO TALL it wouldn't have fit nicely into any of the above pictures anyway!?

I also have two of the old Armourcast Revenant Titans. I also did not feel like assembling them to try and stick them into the picture... One I thought I might paint in wild patterns - like my Harlequins (if/when I ever get to them!)!?

Titanic Forces

  • Phantom Titan (1) 2100 pts
  • Revenant Titan (1) 1100 pts
  • Revenant Titan (1) 1100 pts

Total: 3300 pts

It would be fun to get them together and play some Apocalypse games with them at some point... 

When it's ALL DONE

All the stuff together. 

All of that stuff, together, including the Heavy Tanks, adds up to about 6855 points... If I add in the Titans, that would be 10155 points!? Yikes!? 

Now I need to update the Aeldari Gallery... Or maybe just make a completely new one!


Somewhere along the line I acquired an finecast Eldrad Ulthran miniature... likely in a lot with other miniatures. Then acquired an assortment of newer (and not-so-newer) plastic aeldari... and then there was the Voidscarred I picked up for Kill Team... and how Keiran has gifted me all their ole Aeldari (which are all plastic or Finecast) and I got it in my head to put together a small contingent of plastic/finecast miniatures from Ulthwe (the craftworld where Eldrad Ulthran comes from...)

I don't know... I have a LOT of the main force (which are all METAL)... when am I ever going to get to THESE!? I should probably just trade/sell them off...  

Also there is a Aeldari aircraft in this box that could be built as either Hemlock Wraithfighter or a Crimson Hunter. it was originally Keiran's as well... I could assemble it an use it with the main force... or use it with the plastic force... or sell/trade it off with the plastic force

I also have the Ynnead (again, was Keiran's) as with the above... But also, could be used with the Drukhari force...? Which is alos all plastic...?

And there are boxes/drawers FULL of Keiran's stuff that they don't want anymore... easily another 1500 points or more... 

Still to GET!?

I need ONE metal Swooping Hawk to have a complete unit of ten. 

I also need TWO (or up to five) metal Harlequins. Two will bring the three troupes to eleven (as they are fielded as 5, 6, 11, or 12..?). Five would bring all three to 12. I guess I could, currently, field them as two units of twelve and one unit of six...? (with one spare left over... but then I'd have to re-repaint the bases on some of them!?) 

Other than that...? Not really anything I can think of!? 

I mean, if I could find some old Armourcast Falcons and Wave Serpants...? But I am definitely not actively looking for those right now... 

Or if ever I stumbled across some old metal jet bikes... or the harlequin metal jet bikes (I had one waaaaaaaay back) that weren't insanely expensive... I would totally pick those up too... 

Part of me just wants to abandon the Ulthwe force of plastic miniatures... sell or trade them all away with most of Keiran's stuff... There's a small part of me that wants to hold onto Keiran's stuff for them, though. When I was their age, I ditched a lot of things that I thought I'd never want again - including SO MANY warhammer miniatures (both fantasy and 40K)... and very much regret having done so now!! I have a feeling that they are actually DONE with 40k for good... or even gaming all together (at least miniature gaming and role-playing... they seem to want to hold on to a few of the boardgames that are theirs...) 


  1. Elves in spaaace!
    The Aeldari were one of the 40K types I might have gone for if I ever got into 40K. I did like some of the figures and vehicles.

  2. Impressive, sooo many options. Nice!

  3. Lovely to see it all out like that! (and I am sure very daunting as well!)

    For some reason I thought you had a ton more guardians from some big lot you got a few years back.

    1. Thanks!

      I'm actually not feeling nearly as daunted as I thought I might. Probably because I have 2000 points worth of stuff I could just drop on the table and GO with... (or 3200, if you include the GREAT BIG TANKS!), everything else is now just options!

      Since posting this I went to ebay and ordered myself five old metal harlequins to match the ones I have and that will make three troupes of 12 (or if I do three troupes of 11, with all the other harlequin characters, that's a 995 point starting Crusade force right there!)

      I also picked up a single Swooping Hawk to make the one unit an even ten.

      I have three squads of old metal Guardians that I may or may not make use of at some point.

      I do have a PILE of plastic stuff (including a more than a few squads of guardians) which, at this point, I'm not even considering because I have SO MUCH of all these metal ones, why would I need to use any of the plastic stuff...? I just need to gather is all up with Keiran's old stuff, take stock of what I have and sell/trade it all off!

    2. Right, that is what I remember, like 100+ guardians... which you were going to sell back then ;) The metals ones are easier to build and paint, but the he plastic guys are good too... and the new ones are about twice as good as those!

      As much stuff as you have, you do not have a lot of bikes/tanks, which I guess makes sense if you look at the main era of when you were collecting...

      Finding that you have a whole army ready to go is great! (and maybe several different flavors too, since you have Ynnead and dark eldar on top of the harlequins)

    3. Ha-ha! Not quite THAT many!

      I do have HUNDREDS of EPIC scale guardians, though! (which is a whole other thing entirely!)

      (I also have hundreds of Imperial Guard... even after I traded away a lot of over a hundred!?)

      I think I have 3-4 squads of plastic guardians and Keiran probably had similar... or slightly more... which I guess COULD be 80 or 90 of them...?

      Yeah, vehicles are one thing I'm definitely lacking... I looked for metal bikes but those are going for $50 each and the harlequin bikes start around $80 each... which is getting a bit much for me (considering you need two harlequin or three assuryani for a unit of them!). The old armorcast falcons are going for $150 now!? I swear I used to see them for about $50... I'm sure I paid less than $100 for each of the Tempests (which are now going for $250-300)!?

      I'm not SUPER concerned about the lack of vehicles, tho... The person I'm most likely to play against is my friend Orion and her main force is just a SWARM of Space Wolves Thunderwolf Cavalry... and they are just gross... I've SEEN what they do to vehicles (charging turn one and just battering them apart with their thunderhammers, and the fucking Thunderwolves chewing their tracks and roadwheels off...). I think the Harlequins - being just BRUTAL melee machines themselves (with similar 4+ invulnerable saves) - might actually be able to go toe-to-paw with them...? We'll see...
