Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Warhammer Quest: Cursed City - Session Ten - Another Disastrous Scavenge Journey!

Our Warhammer Quest game has, at least temporarily, moved to Sundays, as Finnegan is kind of, sort of, maybe taking a night class on Wednesdays (when we'd previously been playing)... 

Hey, remember that Utterly Disastrous Scavenge Journey, where everything went from bad almost instantly and then just got worse with every single activation and all the characters were taken out of action...? The ONLY Journey of the last nine that ended in failure...? Amanda and Finnegan decided to take THE SAME CREW on another Scavenge Journey! I think they felt like they needed to prove to themselves and the rest of the crew that they were capable and could DO that kind of journey... What could go wrong? 

Cleona Zeitengale was the first out of the dropzone and tried to blast a few rats out of the way...

Before anyone else could act, a Vykros Blood-Born was upon them! 

I think Octren Glimscry took down the feral vampire...? 

Qulathis the Exile moved to help Cleona, who had gotten herself into a spot of bother When she got swarmed by the corpse rats... and some zombies... AND a Kosargi Nightguard!?  

Dagnai Holdenstock shot the Kosargi Nightguard with his giant harpoon gun and DRAGGED the undead ogor right out of the room... and into contact with himself. 

Holdenstock did not finish off the Ogor, who then charged back into contact with Qlathis, Glimscry, AND Zeitengale and dealt serious blows to ALL THREE!!

Things were not looking great for Glimscry... 

Zeitengale moved out of the room with all the Zombies and Corpse Rats... Glimscry was unable to flee... briefly tried to recover... 

But then got chewed on my MORE Corpse Rats! If they'd done one more damage, he'd have been out of action! 

Just as they'd eliminated the first Kosargi Nightguard, ANOTHER one came lumbering up!

He was followed by Captain Halgrim and a few Ulfenwatch... 

Cleona had stepped aside to take a breather... but found herself surrounded by MORE Corpse Rats!? 

Dagnai and Qulathis tried to engage the Watch Captain and Nightguard from a distance... Glimscry was desperately trying to recover... 

He looks like a feeble old man, most of the time, but he IS a master of Death Magiks and can actually recover from quite serious wounds, farily quickly... 

If it weren't enough they had to deal with TWO Kosargi Nightguards, a Vyrkos Blood-Born Vampire, AND Watch Captain Halgrim.... Gorslav the Gravekeeper showed up with a few Zombies in tow... 

What Glimscry CAN'T do is remove infected conditions, and for that he needed help from Cleona! 

AFter Gorslav was dealt with, they had a bit of a moment to take a breath and Dagnai ran around trying to investigate Mysterious Objects as quick as he could (and he CAN, VERY QUICKLY!!!) 

And then Finnegan stopped being able to roll anything above a 3 on Dagni's activation dice OR on the destiny dice and he coudln't search ANYTHING  for a few rounds... 

So he tried helping out with some of the undead shuffling around

He'd heard a cry from Octren Glimscry and came running just in time to see him fighting by Watch Captain Halgrim and his Ulfenwatch! 

ANOTHER Kosargi Nightguard!?

And then suddenly it seemed the board was swarming with Ulfenwatch... while Watch Captain Halgrim was present... AND Night fell... and Holdenstock and Glimscry were overwhelmed by the Ulfenwatch and cut down! 

Zeitengale and Qulathis were busy dealing with the Kosargi Night guard and their own bunch of Ulfenwatch! 

Having dealt with them, Qulathis ran back and destroyed the Watch Captain... but could not find their friends... 

Then, suddenly, she was being swarmed by Gorslav the Gravekeeper... AGAIN!? How do they keep coming back so QUICKLY!? 

Qlathis tried to dash away, checking a Mysterious Object along the way (but drew a trap card... and then a crisis card... aye-yi-yi!) 

Zeitengale and Qulathis decided there was no way they could fight Gorslav and all the Zombies, so they tried to out run them... but they could NOT outrun a Vyrkos Blood-Born! 

Cleona dealt with the Vampire while Qlathis checked the Mysterious Object... (and drew ANOTHER trap... followed by ANOTHER crisis card?!) 

Cleona tried searching and found some precious realmstone...

But their enemies were closing in on them... 

Qulathis tried to hold off the Zombies while Zeitengale tried to make a run for it, smashing a pair of Ulfenwatch along the way... 

She actually got to a TENTH Mysterious Object... which meant if she could just make it to the extraction area, the Journey would have been a success! 

Alas ANOTHER Vyrkos Blood-Born appeared (the FOURTH this game!?) 

And it kept her busy while all the other hostiles advanced... 

Eventually she was swarmed by Zombies and taken down... 

I don't know what it is with this group...?! Are they CURSED!? It might be time to break them up as a team... 

Luckily, NO ONE ACTUALLY DIED!! But they did roll a rather awful Extraction Event - the next Journey will be played AFTER Nightfall... 

They decided they might try and do a Hunt Journey... but just like make for the exit and hole up in a bottleneck and wait for the Monsters to come to them and take them apart one by one and then fuck off onto the Adamant and escape! 

The Level Two encounters ARE tougher... Just looking at the cards beforehand, I didn't think they'd make THAT much of a difference... but Gorslav and Halgrim coming out WITH Zombies and WITH Skeletons, respectively, multiple times, is pretty nasty... 

Regardless of success or failure on the Scavenge Journey, bot Fear and Influence grew by one... Both are now at four, which, honestly, isn't that bad... 

I've decided to use the tiles for Radukar and each of this lieutenants and keep them on the board until they have been taken out... (originally, I'd left them off and thought I'd put them on as they were taken out... like... as trophies... but I though this way might work better, visually. I can't find any guidlines in the book on HOW this is supposed to be used, so I guess it's up to me, anyway...?

The real downside of failing a mission - apart from the possibility of CHARACTERS DYING (it's only one in twelve...) is they didn't gain any experience... and the next Decapitation Journey is not getting any closer... I wonder if, rather than working on getting ALL the Heroes up to Level Two if it might be better to concentrate on one team... get them to Level Two and then after that start working the level ones into missions WITH the Level twos (because if a Hero is included in a Journey with others of higher levels, they gain experience faster!

We shall see... 

We may be back to playing on Wednesday this week, as Finnegan's changed his class schedule around, dropping the Wednesday evening course and taking something on Monday afternoons, instead! 


  1. tried to post a response, but there was a glitch and I'm not sure it went through (feel free to delete this comment if the other response did get through)

    I wrote:
    "What could go wrong?"
    Looks like the question was dealt a resounding answer. oops.

    1. This is the only comment I've seen...? Blogger is weird sometimes...?

      Ha-ha! It certainly did deal out a resounding answer!!
