Saturday, February 22, 2025

A Little Visit to the Den

 It's been mighty cold in Saskatoon the last few weeks. Before that I had a cold and hadn't been going out as much... so when the temperature plummeted, I was already in the habbit of not-going-out-so-much and just continued with that for the next two weeks!? I've barely left the house unless absolutely necessary!  I used to think nothing at all about bundling up and going for a bike ride in -40 weather... but now... 

It's been daytime HIGH temperatures in the mid to low -20s°C - but with windchill making it feel like the -30s (or lower)... The last -40 day was Tuesday... 

It seems bonkers that we had weeks of -30/-40 weather... and then a couple of days later it is melting!? The forecast was not wrong... It was very nice on Friday and I finally got around to heading over to Dragon's Den games to pick up the copy of the new Codex:Aeldari that they'd been holding for me almost two weeks since it's release! 

Of course, while I was there... I picked up some other things... 

They had FINALLY gotten in the Warbands of Embergard set of cards for Warhammer Underworlds!! Now I have access to ALL the cards for warbands that I have! Yay!

Also, they happened to have a copy of Five Parsecs from Home: Tactics! which I ended up picking up because... I do like Five Parsecs from Home and I really, REALLY WOULD like to get back to that little campaign I started... um... well over a year ago now!? 

I also picked up some paint I was desperately needing to get painting some ARMOUR!!! (I'll be posting some of those a bit later!?) 

I've finished the Autoblinda AB41 and made some serious headway with the rest of the Italian armour! I'll post some better pictures later today... 

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