Thursday, February 27, 2025

MOAR WW2 Italians!?

Just when I thought all the Italians were DONE... a few more arrived...  

Italian Bersaglieri Weapons Teams

Okay, truthfully, I KNEW they were coming... I'M THE ONE WHO ORDERED THEM!? So I didn't really think the Italians were all done - other than in the sense that all the ones that were in my house currently were done... 

Yeah, they're Bersaglieri... I bought them before I really thought things through and I just ordered them because they were at a significant discount from the regular suggested retail... 

Maybe I could carve the feathers off...? 

I was a little surprised to discover they were RESIN!? The pictures on the website were all painted and I didn't read the fine print... 

This fellow has one of those fancy, bendy, shoots-around-corners Italian trick rifles... 



It is nice that they come with their own activation dice... even if these don't really match either of the sets that I have... I guess as long as I'm not playing against someone who has this particular colour, I could add them in with the ones I have... if I needed them... I probably won't though, as I have a LOT of them! 

Still working on the Game Report from the most recent Warhammer Quest game.

Orion and I are planning to have a go at Bolt Action tomorrow afternoon, so there should be an After Action Report of that engagement sometime over the weekend! 

And now that I've taken stock of the Afrika Korps, I'll probably be powering through to finish up the last of the Armour I (currently) have for them! 


  1. Ugh resin.

    Bersaglieri are pretty cool though, maybe just as an attachment or carving the feathers as you said. Six figures should be pretty easy for you to get through, and the anti-tank rifle is very cool. (not the most practical, but cool)

    1. yeah... I don't love resin... I've kind of made my peace with is (as I did with plastic). If it's done right it can be okay and in that case, I'm okay including them in armies that are all plastic minis. I loathe mixing plastic/resin figure in a force that is predominantly metal figures. (Tanks and vehicles are an exception - generally I PREFER a chonky resin vehicles with metal figures!?)

      The bonus to resin, like this, is it is easier to carve things off - like feathers you don't want.

      The downside of resin, like this, is it is easier to carve things off - like things you don't want to carve off!?

  2. I was kinda shocked the special weapon squad i picked up at sentry was resin too, although none of them can shoot around corners (except maybe the flamer? Who I have discovered i need engineers to hang out with😅) but hey, more mortars and dice is more fun!

    1. Yeah that seems CrAzY now that if you want ANY engineers, you have to take a whole damned Engineer Platoon!?

      I'll have to wait until I see the rules, but it seems like you could just take two minimum-sized pioneer squads (NCO+ 4 men) which could probably look just like regular infantry unless you happen to have some dudes carrying mines of a metal detector or wire cutters or whatever... and then take your flamethrower team!?

      I have a ridiculous number of flamethrowers - like, at least one for just about every force?! They just came in packs of this or that... Not sure I'll ever make use of any of them!?

  3. I'm sure they'll paint up fine and of course you had to have them as they were cheap!
    Best Iain

    1. Ha-ha! I can't ALWAYS use that excuse anymore... I have, literally, thousands of miniatures that I'm starting to realize I will NEVER get to painting because "they were cheap! How could I not!?" but when it comes to a small number of figures or a tank or two for a force that I'm excited about and actively working on - and it can arrived WHILE I'm still excited about and actively working on!?

  4. Resin is probably my least favorite material for minis. As an old person who got started with minis in the 1960s and 1970s, metal is my first love. Although, I admit that plastic makes for easier modification. I have used plastic bits at times to modify metal minis (or plastic ones). Guns that shoot around corners and swords that stab around corners are annoying. All that said, one reason I started gluing metal washers to the bottoms of figure bases was to had some heft and to help keep them from falling over too easily.

    1. For some reason I could not stop laughing at "swords that stab around corners" for a few minutes. Thank you. You made my day!
