Thursday, March 6, 2008

Escape From Damlau

Regular Thursday night gaming has returned to the War Room (Brigadier Brown’s Basement Bunker?). Gary, John and Christian all showed up for some Age of Sail Naval action and help try out my latest tweaks to my Age of Sail House Rules for Savage Worlds .

Gassen au Damlau


During the Action of the Coast of Luteland, the treacherous Red Snapper was critically damaged and left behind, crippled, as the battle raged on towards Luteland. As night fell the remarkable crew of the Red Snapper affected some miraculous repairs and were able to avoid any pursuers by slinking away under cover of darkness.

The ship made for the fortified Neukirch town of Gassen au Damlau, at the mouth of the Damlau River to repair and refit and hopefully obtain a Letter of Marque from the Neukirchers – as it was no secret that the Neukirchers were readying for war.

Shortly after their arrival, however, war actually broke out between Neukirch and Luteland after a force of Neukirchers and assorted mercenaries crossed the Damlau and invaded Luteland. Gassen would not be a safe place for long as the Lutes would undoubtedly be arriving shortly to blockade and bombard the fortress at Gassen au Damlau from the sea.

The crew made further hasty repairs, but alas it was too late; as they sailed out of the Damlau river, waiting for them were the repaired and refitted Lute ships the Johann Karl and the North Star – just out of range of the fortresses shore batteries.


The Red Snapper must escape to sea (off the far side of the table)!


Pirating Wenches
The Red Snapper (a treacherous “privateering” frigate crewed by lose women)

Royal Luteland Navy
Johann Karl (Man-o-War – first rate ship-of-the-line)
North Star (third rate ship-of-the-line)


Admiral Jon Bertolinsen returned as his commander of the Royal Luteland Navy’s flagship the Johann Karl, and Captain Knudsen returned to his role as much celebrated (and not to mention decorated – with “the Flannels”) captain of the North Star. Gary took the challenge of trying to run the Red Snapper out of the Damlau to the open seas where they would be able to outrun any of the blockading ships…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The Red Snapper exits the mouth of the Damlau River.

What’s Gary doing?! Is he thinking he’s going to just sail right between them? Giving broadsides to each as he passes through the gauntlet?!

Nope, he turned south and tried to make a run around the North Star and get as far away from the Johann Karl as possible!

This is about turn four or five. Actually just as he turned the Snapper he gave the North Star a volley, which caused a wound and fouled his rudder sending the ship out of control!

The two ships line up and start exchanging broadsides – but because the Snapper got that first shot in the North Star is constantly making mandatory out of control moves and is thus -2 to shooting. The North Star gives the Snapper a full broadside and does nothing!

The Snapper hits the North Star again, causing another wound and smashing guns! Miraculously Captain Knudsen MAKES his boating roll (at -3!?) and returns the broadside this time causing three hits! Two cause wounds (and some crew hits) leaving the Red Snapper crippled and dead in the water….

Well that took less than an hour…

So we decided to have a couple Neukirch Ships of the Line sally out to try and drive off the blockading ship while the Johann Karl’s escort is damaged!

The Gassemshloss (commanded by Captain Chappell) followed by the Neukirchstadt (commanded by Captain Braun) sally out of the Damlau

Heading out into open waters.

The first half dozen turns or so were maneuvering and jockeying for position in the wind. On Turn Six the Johann Karl and the Gassemshloss had exchanged shots from their bow-chasers.

Here, the Gassemshloss turned directly into the wind bringing it to a complete stop – trying to get and angle to give the Johann Karl a full broadside. Six hits, two with raises… nuthin… That Johann Karl is one TOUGH nut!?

The Johann Karl then turned and gave the Gassemshloss a broadside – the first hit caused a magazine critical and the ship disappeared in a cloud of smoke fire and flying bits of debris!

The Neukirchstadt decided discretion was the better part of valour and began to turn around to flee back into the Damlau River – giving the Johann Karl a broadside along the way.

For one turn the Neukirchstadt was saved by a joker which rolled “close Call” on the Naval Fortune and Calamity table (effectively giving the Johann Karl -2 to all rolls for the turn!?

The next turn the Neukirchstadt wasn’t so lucky… The Johann Karl unleashed a thunderous broadside that caused the Neukirchstadt four wounds, three crew criticals and left it crippled and dead in the water.

The Royal Luteland Navy captured the Red Snapper and the Neukirchstadt and towed them back to Luteland as prizes. Most of the crew of the Neukirchstadt were interred as prisoners of war while a few of the officers were ransomed back to their families. The crew of the Red Snapper was taken back to face the gallows – every last one of them – but the crew orchestrated a stunning mass escape from the prison and managed to steal a NEWER Royal Luteland Navy ship right out of the harbour – which they promptly painted red and renamed the Red Snapper! Huzzah!!


Once again, a great deal of fun was had by all. The changes made things run a bit smother or gave the game a better feel – certainly nothing unduly slowed the game down – we were done by 9:30!? I even had time to do a bit of work on my masters and pound out this report!

John is now talking of a naval campaign! Huzzah! I think that could be a lot of fun and add a whole new dimension to the game – there would be a much bigger advantage to capturing ships than sinking them!

We shall see.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More Modeling of Masters!


  1. Very original and enjoyable: give us more!
    The 'tricorns' are rather addictive, isn't it?
    Glad to see that I'm not alone with a taste for 18th C. 'fighting wenches' (yes, that's the right link - please scroll down).

    Best regards,

  2. P.S.: really NOT tempted by one or two Imagi-Nation(s) of your own?
    You like pirates and ships: for a change from the European theatre of operations, what about Tortuga vs 1 or 2 'sugar islands' turned independant?


  3. What do you mean "not tempted"? I'm totally playing in this campaign involving "imagi-nations". Of which a couple of the forces involved are entirely of my own - Lapindy and the Rebel Army of "Bonnie" Prince Timmy!

    I just don't feel the urge to have a completely separate blog for each aspect of my gaming hobby - I'd rather have one active blog that people know they can go to and always find something new than a half-dozen different ones that only occasionally (at best) have new things posted to.

    I haven't painted any Lapindy regulars or any of "Bonnie" Prince Timmy's lot because I've been busy working on my Quebec 1759 project and painting frenchmen like a mad bastard (which, in a pinch, could pass as Lapindy regulars...)! I'll get to it, dont' worry. But despite being highly productive my hobby time is finite!

  4. Once again allow me to praise your ship models . . . yes they are "simple" . . . but they look fantastic.

    I also very mush like your ocean and other terrain. Bravo!

    -- Jeff

  5. An excellent little game, and quite a surprising turn of events. I'm in the process of mapping my campaign world. Although neither of my ImaginNations is a maritime power, I'm going to include coastlines and a harbor or two just so I can include naval games.

  6. I love the little bits of wood to represent the sunken ship. The "whoosh" you just heard was me running in, stealing that idea, and running away with it. Hee hee.

    Well done and thanks for sharing.

  7. Oh that ship wasn't just sunk - it was blown to smithereens by a magazine critical hit!

    I do want to make some sunken/sinking ship markers at some point!


  8. Very enjoyable battle report, cool ships and terrain, too!
