Saturday, April 11, 2009

Good Friday Fun

On Good Friday Rick and Jackson came over for some playing and painting. Jackson and I started off with a game of Hordes of the Things. I took the LOTR Orcs (just because I like the looks of them!) and Jackson decided to try out the Elves.


1x Warband General
5x Warband
1x Blade
1x Spear
2x Shooters
1x Behemoth

1x Blade General
2x Blades
3x Shooters
1x Paladin
2x Riders
1x Magician


(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Jackson’s Elvish mounted contingent ride out to meet the hordes of Nasty Orcs.

Elvish Paladin and Riders Clash with the Orcs!

The Behemoths ate one stand of Riders… the rest shoved each other back and forth…

Then the Paladins flanked my general and destroyed it… good thing I took out those riders the turn before – otherwise that would have been it! As it was I think the battle carried on for another hour as we shoved back and forth – always keeping the same number of dead…

It helped that my Behemoth ate the other riders and the Paladins….

The remains of our forces lined up opposite each other.

The Behemoth lacking any other place good to go tried to eat the Magician.

But magicians are scary and he ran away – the shoving match begins in earnest… Now one would think being down a paladin and two riders he’d be at a bit of a disadvantage. But having lost my general it was tough enough just keep the guys engaged together - had three or four warband that sat out the game on the flank because I just couldn’t get the PIPs to get them back in the game…

Back and forth they go.

Slowly shoving my guys back towards their base edge.

Finally the Elf Magician made my Behemoths run off the table and that put me over his losses and the game was over – after a good hour of nail-biting excitement!! Wow! Hopefully we’ll see them out again soon!


1x Warband General
1x Blade
1x Shooters
1x Behemoth

1x Paladin
2x Riders

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