Friday, April 10, 2009

Legions of the Damned

So I busted out my undead this morning to ponder as they are the next army I was planning on building for Hordes of the Things.... and it just looked like too much work...

A hobby should never be "work"...

So I've decided to put them back in the drawer for "another winter" when I am actually excited about working one them. Right now there's so many things I'd rather be working on (LOTR - Isengard Orcs, Mordor Orcs, Rohan, Moria... SYW British... Romans.. Picts... Amanda's "HOTT Chick" army...) that it would be torturous to try and slog through them.

I have plenty enough LOTR Orcs already done that I could field them as a second army of orcs and Mr. Miller's likely going to have his own done in time for the Wargame Campaign Weekend so I don't have to worry about upsetting the balance of "good" vs. "evil"...

This will also give me more time to work on some more terrain and add some more options to the armies I already have!

It will require some redrawing of the Campaign Map, but that's done easily enough....

So if anyone was looking forward to playing the undead... sorry about that...


  1. No undead! I protest. Actually, I agree; why paint something you hate? More orcs or whatever is just as good; don't even fiddle the map.

    I'm up to my hips in 15mm early Irish. Great sculpts from Splintered Light miniatures. But the ponies for the chariots look like lamas, a recurring issue with them.

    Bob in Edmonton

  2. You Bastard!

    Painting Undead is super easy, too - One spraycan of off-white, two passes, and voila!

    But you probably want to do a "good" job, don't you...

  3. They're actually mostly figures Bob sent me in trade.

    They're not just bones and swords - they have all manner of helmets and bits and scraps of clothes...

    They're so easy - you're welcome to come on over and paint them yourself.
