Sunday, April 5, 2009

Nuthin much…

I’ve mostly been working on prepping and priming Normans (and I guess I should get to work on some undead pretty soon!?) and piddling away at some of the other things on my workbench…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Aragorn, son of Arathorn. . Yet another Lord of the Rings figures from Games Workshop. I actually painted two of this same figure. The one you see and one for a “Hero” stand for Hordes of the Things. The Hero stand isn’t finished though as I have to paint Gimli and Legolos yet…

Some old school eldar action. I was kind of torn on how to paint these guys. I was thinking something camouflagey, but not really so camouflagey… I’m not really thrilled with this… Is it the contrast? Too much…? maybe I’ll do the same in a green and brown… In the future I’ll experiment on the plastic ones, which are junk anyway…

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