Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Can it get any HOTTer!?

Christian came by last night and we crammed in three quick games of Hordes of the Things. I don’t have time to do proper reports for them because I’m in the middle of an email play-test of the Campaign System for the HOTT Campaign Weekend in June. So here’s a couple of Quick Pics:

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

GAME #1 Christian took some dwarves and defended against… horde of Orcs.

The lines meet.

…and there was a big old mess all over the place.

Mostly it was a big shoving match. WE whittled each other down a little bit, but in the end I think he killed my general…

GAME #2 Christian took the orcs with a wizard and two Behemoths (and a river…)

I formed my force up into three groups to try and effect three river crossing and try to split up his force…

It sort of worked…

Until my Knight general punched a hole in his line and followed up into it and then had his ass handed to him for three sides… General dead… Game Over!

Amanda joined us and figured she could kick Christian’s ass.

She took her beloved Elves against the same Orc Blade/Behemoth army I have fought.

Looking like something was going her way…

Blades are nasty we’ve decided…

In the end Christian scored himself a hat-tick and went home with the feeling that he is a superior general… and he probably is… but that’s not saying much…


  1. No, I went home feeling that Blades are overpowered, and that I got lucky rolls, and that knight generals suck.

    Looking fwd to the campaign reports...
