Sunday, June 28, 2009

More Picts and Romans

Once again an odd smattering of items…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

These are all from Gripping Beast, I believe. I’m not sure they were supposed to be “picts”… but that’s what I’m calling them!!

One has been recently painted, the two others simply rebased with the new one to make a Cavalry (General) stand for my Later Pict DBA army (the earlier Picts get a Light Chariot for their General!).

I may have to make a new banner. I thin the silver on this one looks goofy…

These Roman Legionaries, like the Auxilia in the Last Post, are old 80’s Citadel miniatures, produced by Ral Partha in North America.

With eight chunky blobs of led, this stand has some serious weight to it. If you threw it an someone you could really do them some damage.... (not that throwing toys about is an acceptable practice in my house... just sayin'...).

I’ve been working on a few more stands of Auxilia the last evening or two as well…


  1. I like your plaid painting technique. I'll have to steal it! I'm just now starting two DBA armies: Vikings vs Saxons. Not much call for plaid there, but I'm also thinking of sub-Roman Britain. That would include plaid-garbed Picts and Welsh armies.

  2. Cheers!

    Have at 'er! It's not called "stealing" - it's called "finding inspiration". I saw something similar on the Gripping Beast website somewhere at one point....

  3. I agree - Tim's plaid looks great!
    Nice pics (and Picts)! I like the flag design - I thought it was white and blue. And the Romans look excellent, good solid block of disciplined trained troops.

  4. Very nice paintjob. As other have said, the Plaid is excellent.

  5. Oh yes, I meant to compliment the banner too. Is that made of paper, stiffened with glue? Did you get the deer design from the Osprey Picts book? There are some very charming animal designs in there.

  6. I haven't picked up the Osprey book on Picts, I was thinking of ordering it this week before I do too much more work on these guys.

    I think I found the deer picture in a book called Picts and Scots... or Picts, Scots, and Gaels... or Picts, Gaels, and Scots... or something like that...? I found at the local Library.

    My flags I always paint on paper. I paint the front and reverse of the flag on one side of the paper then cut it out glue the unpainted side and wrap it around the pole and - as you mentioned - the glue allows me to shape it and it dries quite stiff!

    I took pictures of the whole process once, planning to to a "how-to" article... but haven't gotten around to finishing it up...

  7. I agree with the others, the banner is very fine and suitably Celtic/Pictish, methinks.

    " With eight chunky blobs of led, this stand has some serious weight to it. If you threw it an someone you could really do them some damage.... (not that throwing toys about is an acceptable practice in my house... just sayin'...)."

    True, but if some of those Zvesda undead Romans come lurching into your house, you can always try eight chunky blobs of lead to the head. Just sayin. :)

  8. Some very nice work there. Very jealous.

  9. Would it be fair to say that you take liberties with the number of models per stand? I've been mulling over breaking the rules and mounting only 3 models on my III/40a Viking command stand (the rules call for 4). I've never quite understood why a 4Bd is 20mm deep, but a 3Bd is 30mm! I'm also have the hertetical notion to make all the Bd elements the same 30mm.

  10. Would it be fair to say that I take liberties with the number of models per stand?

    Oh yes, very much so! All my foot are on 60mmx40mm bases (or sometimes bigger for certain warband or Hordes) and I generally use 1.5x as may figures as are "suggested". I like my stands to look like the UNITS they represent. four guys on a 60mmx20mm stand just doesn't look like a "unit" to me...
