Saturday, July 18, 2009

More Romans and a Heffalump

A week or so ago I took out the first couple of the HBO Rome Miniseries from the local library. Amanda and I have been quite enjoying it, though we now have to wait a bit until we can get the next disc(s) – as they are quite popular!

While watching that I painted up a few more stands of Romans for my Early Imperial Roman DBA Army. I just have three more stands of Blades and a stand of Artillery to finish up.

I also cranked out an Alexandrian Successor Elephant....

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

This will be my Blade General Stand (I also have the option of fielding a Cavalry General). As with the others, these are old 80’s Citadel miniatures that were produced by Ral Partha in North America.

Some Bow…

…and a stand of Cavalry. I think I could also add another stand of Cavalry or Light Horse – as alternates to the Psiloi/Bow. WE shall see.

This is the first of my Macedonian Successor armies – an Armoured War Elepahant! This model is from RAFM. He looks kind of lonely there on that stand all my hisself. I doubt I could have fit another elephant on (and damn that would get expensive!), but I’m wondering if maybe I should put a couple of skirmishers on the ground beside the elephants on Future stands (I have four more Armoured Successor Elephants to do, and further three Indian elephants – one being a General!). Assembly didn’t take too long – I did it in bits, here and there, over a few days. Then I painted the whole thing in an evening – while watching a movie. I think for the rest I might set up a bit of a production line… though I’ll want to be painting each a bit differently as they are all for separate armies… Hmmm…

This is just an old figure that I stripped a while back and started repainting… and just finished up to get him off the workbench. I have no idea who the manufacturer is. I think I bought it around 1984-5? I used him for years as a D&D character figure.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I’ll probably finish up the Romans in the next week or so along with the first batch of John’s Cavalry (might even get to the other John’s latest Descent minis…!?). After that I’m on to a pretty tight – though not undoable – schedule to complete all of the armies required for the campaigns I have planned for the next year

August – Anglo-Danish – this is an army for CVT I already have some Anglo-Danes, though there is a few extra stand I need to finish up for myself. Also, a second unit of Cavalry for John.

September – Normans and Picts – Both are partly complete so I figure I can finish both off this month… A third unit of Cavalry for John.

October – Welsh – and a fouth unit of Cavalry for John. (Back of Beyond Campaign this month…)

November – Irish

December – Scotts – This will finish up all the armies I need for the CAmapgin in February

January – Successor #1

February - Successor #2 (and the 1066 Camapaign…)

March - Successor #3

April - Successor #4

May - Successor #5

Yeah… so I kind of went overboard with the RAFM ancients sale on this month and picked up enough stuff to finish off FIVE successor armies (at $4.50CAD for 6 infantry or 3 mounted how can you go wrong!?)… and while I was at it I picked up enough for a Skythian army… and a Thracian army… and a Classic Indian army…. Oh, and a German Army…. Umm… and I picked up a few other things for Amanda’s HOTT army… and some stuff for some other HOTT armies… and some Irish and Elephants from the Sentry Box…. And a couple Ospreys from Amazon… Which blew my toy budget for the next YEAR!

So I’m putting a moratorium on further figure purchases for one year.

No, seriously…

Anyway, somewhere in there I’ll also have to make a few Ancient/Successor camps (I do have some pack Camels….) and I may need to paint up a few stands of this and that for the Back of Beyond Campaign…

Of course, like my plan for the HOTT armies earlier this year, I probably won’t rigidly stick to this schedule as it’s laid out. I may paint a mix of Anlgo-danes and welsh over the next two months… then do the Normans and Picts in October…. The general idea is that I’m going to do one DBA army per month for the next year. Actually I’m pretty sure I WON’T finish the Anglo-Danes in August as August will be pretty busy and it’s the biggest army I need to do – most figures to paint that is, as they are all spear and blade which I do 6/base. A lot of the other armies have some mounted (which are only 2-3 per base) and a lot have Auxilia or Warbands which I will do with 4-5 per base…

We have a week off over Xmas where I’ll probably be able to do some catch-up if I’ve fallen behind on any of the Dark Ages stuff…


  1. Hi Tim,

    That elephant looks way cool!

    I like the way you've double ranked your legionaries.



  2. Thanks Nick!

    Yeah I like stands that look more like the UNITS they represent.

  3. I agree about the elephant and the basing/arrangement of minis. Nice work as always!
    I actually bought the HOTT rules some time ago, but never got into trying them out. Your blog and HOTT reports are making me think I might rebase some of my old fantasy minis and try out the rules one of these days.
    Thanks for the inspiration! :-)

  4. Once again, fantastic painting at a seemingly frantic pace - I really don't know how you manage it, but keep up the good work. I especially like that elephant and can't wait to see the next few appear on these hallowed pages.
