Sunday, August 2, 2009

Back on Track…?

Well long enough to finish up the Cavalry General option…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The General himself is from Old Glory (I think…). The cavalrymen, as with most of the other Romans thus far, are old 80’s Citadel miniatures that were produced by Ral Partha in North America.

Still have three Blade, a Light Horse, and the Artillery to do…


  1. Your perseverance is admirable! May I ask where you get all of this lead from the 80s that you are painting up? Some sort of giant lead pile in the basement? Ebay deals? Knock off an armoured car carrying old Grenadier and Ral Partha stock?

    My own efforts have been focuse don finishing a 15mm Saxon army and that is in the final stages of basing today so now onto a German army in 15mm Lots of naked German guys with spear(s). Interesting to practice that much painting of flesh, actually.

    Bob in Edmonton

  2. well...

    A while back I offered up some 15mm Great War Stuff for trade (mostly stuff belonging to my friend John, but some of my own as well) and made a deal with an exceedingly generous gentlemen down in the states somewhere. I got a bunch of 20mm East Germans and John got a whole pile of 25mm Romans. I did throw in a bunch of extra stuff... some other sundry 15mm stuff... ww2 mostly, I think...?

    Anyway, I later bartered the Romans from John, in exchange for painting some stuff for him.

    It's crazy home much stuff there is. There's enough for three complete DBA Early Imperial Roman armies and enough for a good start on at least two more! A good chunk of is the old Citadel minis, though there is a lot of Minifigs in there too...

  3. A word of advice please Tim - How do you get your minis in each shot to all be in focus? I am no great shakes with a camera so I was wondering if you had a specific setting you used to take such in focus shots?

  4. For every picture you see on the blog I take about 3-8 pictures varying the distance and camera angles with each one. USUSALLY this gets at least one picture where MOST of what I'm looking at in focus....



    Sometimes if none are I go back and take more - especially if it's some figures that I did a lot of good work on. Other times, when I'm feeling lazy (most of the time) I just pick the "best of the lot" and go with that.
