Thursday, August 20, 2009

Ninjas, Ninjas, Everywhere...

I finished up 27 more ninja in a hurry… which was pretty easy. I mean… they’re mostly black, right? Anyway, here they are:

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

These Ninja are, like the one in the Previous Post, are from Old Glory.

Wait… where the heck did they go!?

Ah, here they are…

Tricky, tricky ninjas… These lot are for skirmishing….

…and these will be used for Hordes of the Things. There is no call for ninja in the regular DBASamurai army lists. Of course, until I actually get some sort of gen-u-ine historical opponent for the Samurai army – i.e. MORE SAMURI – They’ll probably mostly see use as a HOTT fantasy army. I’ll use the Ninjas as either Lurkers or Sneakers. I also have an Oriental Dragon and an Oni (Ogre Mage - Behemoth)… A lot of my Orcs have a distinctly Eastern/Mongol sort of look to them…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:


Or Saxons…

One of the two…

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