Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Campaign Rules Additions and Clarifications

As mentioned in the Previous Post, here are a few clarifications of and additions to The Rules.

At the end of the Autumn season all Field Armies must retire to Winter Quarters in land that they directly control (i.e. land that THEY OWN). There is no limit to the number of movement stages of allied territory an army may retire through to get to get to lands where they can quarter. If an Army has no choice but to pass through territory they do not have permission to pass through (this could conceivably happen if some territory that they moved through in the previous year was subsequently captured by a foe and the army in question has taken no new territories themselves) they will lose d6x2AP for each such hostile territory they are forced to retire through.

If traveling by sea each stage must be diced for as per the sea movement rules.

(assuming the orcs will allow the Tria Nominians to retire through their territories it's all god for this year. The Ronaroking's have retired via sea to Marhan....)

(minor reorganization here and an addition in bold below...)
A player can ask at any time to become the tributary of another, who, if he agrees, becomes his overlord. Otherwise a player whose capitol is taken normally automatically becomes a tributary of the conqueror. The tributary retains control of his capitol and any other provinces yet remaining to him. If however his race is completely inimical to the conqueror’s he is instead knocked out of the game. If so, his field army disperses and his remaining provinces become independent until successfully besieged. Field Armies cannot enter or pass through such an independent province except to besiege it

A tributary cannot invade another country without the consent of his overlord and must at the beginning of each new year provide an allied contingent (of up to 6AP) to accompany his overlords army for the year if ordered to do so. Neither Overlord nor Tributary can attack the other while the relationship lasts. An overlord may pass through the territory of a vassal without having to first seek permission and anyone wishing to pass through a vassal’s land must have the permission of the overlord.

A player cannot have two overlords. If a tributary’s capitol is subsequently captured by a different player, he becomes tributary of that player instead, the same rules for inimical races applying.

A Player who himself is or becomes tributary can retain or acquire tributaries of his own, and can order these to provide a contingent to support his own field army or provide a substitute contingent for his own overlord.

A player whose overlord loses his own capitol or two consecutive field battles can renounce their tributary status and regain his independence.

A play may cede territory to another player this may only be done over the winter and must be done before initial dispositions are declared for the spring. Players cannot cede their capitols to any others, nor may they cede territories without the consent of their Overlord. A territory that is ceded will provide no reinforcements to either party during the winter it is ceded.

A remote territory is one that is separated from the rest of a player’s lands by lands of another hostile player. If there is a route to said region through the lands of an allied player that allows passage through their lands none of the following rules apply.

A Remote region will not provide reinforcements during the winter to an army that has retired to the players main lands, or another remote territory, and cannot be deployed in during the spring.

If an army retires to a remote territory to over-winter, the army will not receive any reinforcements from the main lands and must deploy in that territory (or an adjacent remote territory) in the spring.

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