Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Painting Update - Mongols, More Japanese...

Here's the latest...

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

The three Mongols are new, Ungern-Sternberg himself is an older figure I just rebased with them. All are from Copplestone Castings and will be seeing use in my upcoming “Back of Beyond” Campaign Weekend in October… Gosh, that’s coming up pretty quick!? I better check ans see if there’s anything else I need to finish up!!

A stand of Ashigaru Spear.

Another stand of Achigaru Bow.

And another handful of singles for skirmishing. These, and the above Ashigaru, are all from Old Glory, except for the Monk which is actually a fantasy figure from RAFM. These guys are being used in my new Savage Worlds Oriental Adventures Campaign.


  1. Great paint job!

    They look great as singles but are truly first class when you base them for DBA/DBM/FoG (choose your poison) etc

    The DBA Russian Civil War DBA variant looks interesting is there a link to the rules?

  2. There's a few different variants out there for DBA or HOTT... We've had a look at them all and are making our own. it's closest to the 1500 - 1900 DBA Extension, with longer ranges for Field Guns and Machineguns... and a few other tweaks... once we have them all hammered out and settled upon I'll probably post my own tweakifications...

  3. Tim do you have an alternative link to these as that one is broken (at least for me)


  4. Hmmmm... doesn't work for me either... try this:

    1500 - 1900 DBA Extension

  5. Nice! I envy your skill and tenacity in finishing your armies! I wish I could do the same soon:)
