Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Assorted Fantasy Skirmishers

Started playing a bit of Savage Worlds with the kidz last week and they are super pumped!! So in anticipation of further fantasy adventuring with them I’ve started working on some fantasy skirmish figures. Also thinking about digging out the HoTT stuff for some larger conflicts.

I also pulled my games from Toon Con - for a variety of reasons - (sorry John…) so I’m feeling a little less pressured to get hordes of Zulus done NOW!! I’m hoping I’ll have enough to play isandlwana by my birthday bash weekend (February) and Vimy ready to go again for the anniversary (April).

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

This is a figure from Dark Sword Miniatures. My firend Mikey K had ordered stuff from them and had it sent to me to paint and they threw it in as a freebee and asked if I’d say nice things about them. I don’t need to say nice things about them – it should be clear to anyone that has operating EYES that they make some very nice miniatures (still, it was pretty nice of them to throw in the bonus figure…). In purple because the girls loves purple…

This is an Elven Prince from Reaper Miniatures. Got it dirt cheap in an ebay lot…

Some more Elves. These are from West Wind Productions’ Dwarf Wars line. How did I forget to paint his eyes!? That looks a little creepy…

An old school citadel miniature. Probably a warrior priest of Sigmar or something… He’ll make due for a fightin’ cleric of one faith or another…

Finally another zombie from Mega Miniatures who seems to have lost his way and wandered down a lonely country road…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Um…? Hard to say…


  1. Great stuff, I love the guy with the ball and chain. I love clerics and he looks very cleric-y...

  2. Thanks Art!

    I was trying to go for the same colour scheme as THESE GUYS but then at the last moment decided to go with a black hood.

    He's carrying a flail actually (but you had the right idea....). There's also a great big holy book bound in leather strapped to his back and a sack/pouch tucked into his belt - a great old school adventurer figure!
