Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Greek Hoplites

For ages I’ve wanted to do a Greek Hoplite army. Heck I’ve dreamed of doing four or five so I could do a Peleponesian War campaign. Jackson finishing up his Spartans got me thinking about it again… and then when I saw some ready made ancient armies on for half price at North Star Figures… well… I had my credit card out faster than you can say “When are you ever going to paint…”

Anyway, here are the first two stands of Hoplites

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

These Hoplites are from Crusader Miniatures. They were part of a Clash of Empires Army… I have no idea what Clash of Empires is like… I will be using these for DBA and HOTT.

A view of their backs.

I should have taken pics of the shields before basing them – you can’t really see the shield in the second rank…

Well, with the two Psiloi (here and here) I finished earlier this is one third of the stands of this army done! (Unfortunately figure-wise it’s only about a quarter…)

MORE hoplites – these are for Savage Worlds Skirmishin’. The figures are from Black Tree Design. A while back they were having a crazy sale and some packs were up to 70% off. These were some of those. Unfortunately more of the packs that were 70% off had no pictures… and some of the BTD figures poses leave something to be desired so I only ordered a pack of each…

These turned out to be pretty good. Had I known I should have ordered enough of these for an entire Hoplite Army!

As it is BTD had another sale around Xmas and all foot were 50% off – including some unit deals – so I ended up ordering enough for ANOTHER hoplite army… Oh dear…

Since I’m working on Hoplites of different manufacturers… I thought I take the opportunity to do a little comparison pic for you:

These are Hopite shirlds from Wargames Foundry, Crusader Miniatures, and Black Tree Design! Quite the difference, eh?

Where I get a few more similarly based guys finished up I’ll do some comparison pics of the figures.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Well… probably not Hoplites. Though they were fun to do they, as I hope you can imagine, took a crazy amount of time!?

Tomorrow I should have some a Spartan and some Great War signalers. After that it looks like I’ll have some Great War Highlanders. And then…? More Great War stuff…? War of 1812? Dark Ages…? All possibilities!


  1. They look great; impressive hand-painted shields too! Best, Dean

  2. Wow, great shields! You have really been cranking stuff out!

  3. I agree. Your shields are amazing!

  4. Funny, I never noticed the 'Smiley Face' shield until now! Very nice.


  5. Great work on the shields - nice to see some brushwork there rather than the decals that seem increasingly common.

  6. Really nice work here. Very impressed.

  7. These are incredible. You always do great work.

  8. Love the shields, they're superb!!!

  9. Superb as always. Respect for painting so many different designs and executing them all so well.
