Monday, January 2, 2012

An Odd Assortment

A few odd and sundry items to kick off the year…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

Another stand of Psiloi for an Ancient Greek DBA army and a couple spares based individually for skirmish gamin’ (miniatures from Crusader Miniatures)

“Gonville Bromhead: Fact and Film” from Trent Miniatures

Some Great War Canadians. The officer with the shotgun is from Great War Miniautres and the corporal in the great coat with the Lewis gun is from Renegade Miniatures.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Tomorrow I should be finished a few Hoplites – watch for them over at Analogue Hobbies, Then here the following day.

Despite the Great War not really featuring in my PLANS FOR 2012 I seem to have a lot of them polluting my workbench at the moment. I’ll probably paint a few more to clear that out of my system then carry on with some Dark Ages stuff that I actually DO need to get done! There’s also a few war of 1812 and 20mm WW2 lurking at the back…

Of course I went and saw War Horse a couple days ago… and I have some early war British cavalrymen that just arrived…


  1. Nice stuff; having a bit of trouble with images on several blogs today but I will come back tomorrow to see the one picture that would not display.

  2. Great painting, love the Bromhead figure!
