Thursday, March 8, 2012

Greek Heroes

As promised, a few Greek Heroes….

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version)

These are the Spartan Heroes from Crocodile Games Wargods of Olympus line. There’s a King Leonidas figure… but I thought he looked goofy so I didn’t pick one up. These I could live with…

Again with the dirty cloaks....

Perseus from Reaper Miniatures. They also make a Socrates figure that I’m tempted to pick up… I’ve also ordered some Cyclopes from them as well…

Back to taking pictures out in natural sunlight… but still a bit snowy…

This is the back step where I take most of the pictures of my figures. There’s just enough natural light in between the house to get decent pics without glare or harsh shadows. Actually this much snow isn’t unusual in a Saskatchewan winter – what’s unusual is to have so much all at once at the very end of a particularly mild winter… and to have to forecast predicting that it’ll all melt by the weekend!

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I'm just finishing up a batch of gen-u-ine historical Hoplites… I also have some Dark Age Frankish Cavalry on the workbench… and some WW2 stuff… and some Greek cavalry… Egyptians… all sorts of goodies… Who knows what I’ll finish up next!?

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