Monday, January 28, 2013


Some support for some of my modern forces…

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Three BTR-60s for my Russian/Soviet (or Russian/Soviet backed/supplied) forces.

The handy thing about old Cold War Soviet equipment is it can be used for so many different forces….

Actual Soviet Cold War Motor Rifles

East German Motor Rifles

The Federal Army of the Republic of Timbogo definitely has them…

Even the Peoples Revolutionary Army of Timbogo is rumoured to have a few (likely stolen from the F.A.R.T.)

The models are actually Russian die-casts I picked up off ebay. They’re a bit on the large-ish side…

They absolutely dwarf the 1/55 S&S Models BTR-80 that I have.

Another shot with the S&S BTR-80

They seem a little more close in scale to the Imprint Models Warrior MCV-80 models that I recently picked up…

Another shot with the the Imprint Models Warrior MCV-80.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Cold War British Infantry… They’re done, just need to take pics… Probably later today.

After that…? Maybe the kids zombies…? 


  1. Wow...BTR 60 is my favourite vehicle of all time. You have made a superb job of these...28mm?? Amazing.

    1. Thanks! They do have a neat look to them, don't they?

      I'm using them as "28mm" - they were listed as "1/43", but I have no idea what scale they really are. They're a tad on the large-ish side, but I'm not too picky...
