Thursday, January 24, 2013

Yet Another Modern-ish Assortment of Toys

More stuff rolling off the workbench….

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

A few more African Militia from The Assault Group

Another “Armed Office Worker” from Victory Force Miniatures.

Another batch of Cold War era British from Mongrel Miniatures - this finishes off the Cold War British I currently have on hand.

I did, however, order a handful more from Gripping Beast (along with some Argentines) which should be arriving presently (Ha! Actually they arrived while I was typing this!). I think I might, at some point, pick up another pack of Mongrel Carl G teams (as, apparently, there was one in each section!? I always thought they were a platoon weapon!?).

Also, I’d like to pick up some FV-432 and/or Saxon APCs from Sloppy Jalopy for these guys to ride around in… someday…

Not what most gamers would refer to as “modern”, but…

Two dismounted WW2 Canadian tank crew from Black Tree Design - should any of my Shermans get knocked out and the crew successfully bail before it brews up… (should my Shermans ever see action!? Over two years since I painted those… haven’t used them yet…)

Finally some support for my Soviet Naval infantry – a Maxim team, also from Black Tree Design.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Oh, more of the same… Probably those new Gripping Beast Brits and Argentines. 


  1. 1 Carl G per platoon was for leg infantry only. Mechanised troops had one per APC, so 4 for the platoon.

    1. Yes. I also recently discovered that section commanders did not have SMGs - they had FNs. I don't know where I got that idea? If I read it in some book or if I just assumed that they did (because they did in WW2)? So What the heck do I use these SMG armed guys for!? Dismounted drivers? would the APC drivers have had SMGs? I know they were issued to armoured crews...?

    2. Yes Tim the vehicle drivers were issued SMG's. Of course depending on the operation, you would see SMG's given to guys who were going to be involved in any FIBUA operations.

  2. "I think I might, at some point, pick up another pack of Mongrel Carl G teams (as, apparently, there was one in each section!? I always thought they were a platoon weapon!?).

    Also, I’d like to pick up some FV-432 and/or Saxon APCs from Sloppy Jalopy for these guys to ride around in… someday… "

    Wait... Ehem:
    "I really shouldn’t be buying ANY stuff this year…"


    1. by "someday" I didn't necessarily mean this year... (though I probably will...)

      ...and "shouldn't" doesn't necessarily mean "won't"!?

  3. The armed office worker is great, I will do batch for my own Zombie games !

    1. Thanks! Victory Force does some really fun stuff - if a tad on the chunky side...

  4. All great looking figures, Tim. But I must confess I like those camo'd Brits a lot - something about modern camo! Best, Dean
