Monday, February 10, 2014

Cold War Commies and Sci-Fi stuff

At the end of last week – after finishing the  Dragon Clan Buntai - decided to take a quick break from the brightly coloured and annoyingly detailed samurai to knock off a few easy minis that arrived in the mail this week. Doesn’t get much easier than Commies in Khaki.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

These are Atomic Cafe 1957 Soviets (I think Brigade Games makes them...? I picked them up from the North Star Figures January sale - along with a few other Atomic Cafe 1957 packs they were blowing out). 

They look like they may have been sculpted by the same sculptor that did the Mongrel Cold War Soviets - of which I have a few - so these will fit in nicely with that. 

Then, continuing on with the theme of "I'm sick of painting Samurai"... I finished off a few odd sci-fi-ish figures Friday evening. 

A pair of citadel Miniatures/Games Workshop Rogue Trader era Eldar. 

I have NO IDEA what make or manufacture this fellow is... I found him in a bargain bin a number of years back for $1 (or maybe it was $1 for a pack with two in it...? I can't remember...) anyway, I thought he looked kind of cool and figured I could use him as some sort of techno-whatever in some sort of sci-fi game or even a superhero (or supervillain!) with some sort of electro-techno powers.

Finally three Cobalt-1 figures from Black Hat Miniatures. I thought the middle fellow looked like he could be a Rogue Trader (or a senior advisor to a rogue Trader) and so picked him up recently along with these two others. 

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I started on a few samurai the other night, but haven’t even looked at them since Saturday… I’ve been working on some new terrain. Hopefully have some pics of that action shortly. 

I had ordered a print copy of Song of Blades and Heroes a week or so ago and it arrived today. So I may be giving that (or Of Gods and Mortals - which I picked up ages ago, but just recently read...) a whirl in the not too distant future. 


  1. Classic minis there! Really nice paint on them as well! Thanks for the post sir!

  2. The techno-whatever guy is from the White Wolf Trinity Battleground game, Dr. Sagar. See here:
