Tuesday, February 11, 2014

What's Going On Here?

Any guesses? 

There's no prize or anything for the first-est and most accurate guess...

Just bragging rights and gamer-cred.


  1. My guess is... you're making a terrain table?!?

    1. You guessed right!

      They're 3'x3' boards for the upcoming ronin campaign - which will conveniently work for Song of Blades and Heroes - which I recently picked up and thought I'd have a go at. And most of them will be able to meet up with the others to make bigger gaming surfaces for bigger battles... except maybe the mountain pass one... That's just for battling in a mountain pass.

    2. That's super cool man, looks like you're off to a great start. Looking forward to seeing it come together.

  2. LOL - I was going to say the same as Fitz-Badger: a mountain pass. I did think it might have been for a specific battle or campaign, forcing a pass, say, or a rearguard action.

    1. It's not for a specific battle or campaign. I just thought it might be an interesting place to have a skirmish. I was trying to think up terrain that could make for some interesting scenarios beyond the standard "Skirmish" and "Capture" and "Duel" scenarios or Ronin. Certainly those scenarios could be played in a mountain pass, but also - as you suggested - some sort of scenario where one side is tasked with "holding the pass" and the other trying to break through to the other side.

      Also I thought we might have be able to play an "Ambush in the Pass" where one side (the defender) has a slightly smaller force (100 points in Ronin?) and deploys in the pass, the other side (attacker) has the standard 150 points and deploys on either side. The defender has to get his force off the table (but may only do so in the corners on the lowest parts of the table) and the attacker has to destroy the force (or 75% of it) or kill a specific person (the leader)....?

    2. A mini Myriocephalum battle might be worth a serious look as well. The scenario, broadly speaking would go like this. A large and powerful army pushes through a mountain pass in order to engage the enemy thought to be on the far side. Awaiting them there is a force of light cavalry - herdly likely to hold up the L and P A for long. But unbeknownst to the L and P A, an enemy force of light troops is lurking hidden in the heights. Half the L and P army having made the traverse, the F of L T comes bombing down on the flanks, and then it's all on.

      The actual 1176 battle was a disaster for the Byzantines - not exactly an annihilating one, but so bad that the Byzantine army never recovered from it.

  3. Terrain for your My Little Pony themed HoTT army?

    1. Well I DO have a Magical Fairy Ballerina on a Rainbow Flying Unicorn Hero General to start it off...
