Saturday, January 9, 2016

Imperial Guard and Swashbucklers

Well now that I’m all done with reminiscing over the past year and planning this coming year, it’s time to get back to painting toys and playing games!

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

With realease of  En Garde! just around the corner I ordered some swashbucklers from Wargames Foundry  during their 20% off xmas sale. They finally arrived this past week and here are the first few to roll off  the workbench!

At the same time I ordered a few more English Civil War miniatures – figuring they could also be used for swashbuckling adventures! 

Here is a gen-u-ine Games Workshop Imperial Guard rocket launcher team. This is one I got off ebay and the prevous owner decided to remove the bipod on this launcher unit…?

I was feeling there was a lack of female troopers in my Imperial guard units – and as Games Workshop makes startlingly few of their own, I ordered these women from Copplestone Castings and replaced their firearms with GW Lasguns.

I also kitted them out with some other spare GW Imperial Guard equipment I had kicking around – canteen, ammo pouch, fighting knife and scabbard…

They fit in pretty good with the one other genuine GW Female Catachan jungle fighter I have…

But I’m not sure any of them quite fit in with the ridiculously overly muscular men of the unit… ah well…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More Swashbucklers…? More Guardsmen…? 


  1. En Garde! caught my interest, too. I really like the blue on your middle swashbuckler. Nice work!

    1. Thanks!

      Have you played Ronin? It's a great game - so I have pretty high expectations for En Garde!

  2. Love your fantastic swashbucklers !

  3. Love those swashbucklers! Great minis, especially like the colors on red and blue.

    1. Cheers! Got a few more of them I'm just finishing up.

  4. Nice work all around, on the swashbucklers, ECW guys, and the female Catachans. I think the last fit in fine with the overly muscled males, at least in a very "Hollywood" way (where overly muscled guys and slender women seem to be the norm for action movies).

    1. Thanks! Yes, I suppose in a "hollywood" way it does kind of work... It stains my suspension of disbelief a bit, but it's science fantasy - I probably just need to let go of all expectations of anything approaching realism. A home planet with such harsh conditions that to survive all the males need to be massively muscular hulking beasts wouldn't produce such muscles on the women because..? because...? reasons! (Yeah, best just not to think too hard about what those reasons are...)

  5. Very nice work - the swashbucklers being my favourite, lovely job! Cheers!
