Monday, January 11, 2016

More Swashbucklers

Here are some more swashbucklers I hope will be useful for En Garde!. I really know nothing about the game, but I’m working under the assumption that it will involve gangs or some sort of team similar to theBuntai in Ronin – Skirmish Wargames in the Age of the Samurai with an average or 6-8 guys per side - maybe a bit more, maybe a bit less, depending on quality and such… I’ve started to organize these new figures into 4 teams or gangs in similarly coloured clothes.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

The most recent batch. Figures are from Wargames Foundry

(Dang, did I miss painting a pupil on that guy in red!? AARRRRRG!?)

Team Green so far (or The Green Gang?)

Team Red/The Red Gang so far (Ugh, that eye… and I think I missed the bit of lace tucked into his glove!? I’m slipping… but I’ll have that fixed before I post the completed gang!)

The Blue Boys – feeling a bit lonely by comparison – but I have more almost done! 

In other news…

I got to play a game of Firefly with the family on Saunday afternoon. We played the easy (and shorter) “First Time in the Captain’s Chair” goals – as we haven’t played for a while and this was more or less just to refamiliarize ourselves with the rules.

The Girl totally trashed us all – AND she did it all doing legal/moral jobs!? The game seemed so short we kept on playing to see how many more turns it would take the rest of us to complete the three goals.

I came in second, but only because earlier in the game when Amanda had the chance to tip off the Alliance cruiser that I was sliding through Alliance space with a shipload of contraband (and gain herself $500 in the process) she elected not to (bless her socks!). She probably did this because she was also running not-so-legal jobs and had herself a ship full of fugitives and wanted crew and at some point someone else might draw that same nav card…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

More Swashbucklers and some medieval peasants. 


  1. Your swashbucklers look superb! My copy of En Garde is in the post apparently but it will, unfortunately, be some time before I have any figures for it...all those lovely but unpainted On The Seven Seas Nickstarter figures are on the to-do list!

    1. Thanks Gordon!

      I feel pulled in more than a few directions all at once - These toys arrived and I'm looking forward to En Garde! so I've been painting these... But I'm also utterly distracted by Dragon Rampant and Lion Rampant - the former just arriving a week or so ago and I'm trying to sort out the best way to get some cohesive looking forces ready for that (and clearing some space to play - as it seems like I'll likely need more than the 3'x3' boards I've been using for the other smaller scale skirmish games I've been playing of late... Posting your Northern Tribes warband didn't help me stay on task - but I think I'll try and finish up the swashbucklers I have then switch gears and get some Dragon Rampant warbands ready for action!

    2. Just like Gordon, I like the swashbucklers too! And also have En Garde on order. I'm hoping to get a game at my local club as I know there will be plenty of folks with suitable miniatures. Plus, it gives me an excuse to top up the Lead Mountain. OK, I don't need an excuse, but I'm looking forward to a bit of swishing and buckling sometime!

      As for Firefly, I'm a big fan of the game. I've played a couple of large 6 player games with all the expansions in play and it was brilliant fun. I really like the fact that each player/pilot has total independence in how they achieve the goal, whether that's through cooperation with other pilots or just being plain ruthless! It goes a long way to capturing the mood of the TV series.

    3. Thanks Tim!

      I've only played Firefly twice now (well, there was a third time we started a game, which was actually the first time, but only got through one or two turns...) both times just with the base map and using the First Time in the Captains Chair story/goal card. I do have most of the expansions and, on one hand, I would love to jump in and try them all out... on the other hand I worry that maybe I should play the base game a few more times (with the other story/goal cards) and add in new stuff gradually...? I have another game scheduled for this Saturday and I'd love to roll out some new stuff, but three of the five players I have lined up have never played before... They're pretty clever though, so I think we'll at least use one of the other Story/Goal cards... and maybe the map extensions... I might leave out Pirates and Bounty Hunters for now...

  2. Great looking figures, and wonderful family too! Enjoy!

  3. Nice work on those swashbucklers Tim. I'm just waiting for mine to show up after using my Xmas money to enrich Foundry a little more. I'm also planning on using En Garde as the rules system. I guess they are in transit somewhere over the Indian ocean at the moment.

    1. Thanks Natholeon!

      This recent Foundry order took a LOOOOOOOOONNNGG time to arrive. I placed order with Coppelstone Castings and Wargames Foundry on the same day. The Coppelstone figures were here in less than two weeks. The Foundry stuff took five weeks and arrived packed as tight as they could in a tiny little box with zero padding and felt like a brick. There were three broken figures which took some time to repair and there was an awful lot of flash on the figures.... (mutter grumble...)

      Hope yours arrive soon!

  4. Lovely work on some great looking figures. I think team red are my favourites, even with their incomplete paint jobs!

    1. Thanks Preacher! They're kind of my favourites too!

  5. Those swashbucklers look great. You have made those details jump out!

    1. Thanks Cory! Hopefully if you can make it out for the game weekend we can try out En Garde! as well!
