Thursday, April 13, 2017

English Shot

After playing that second game I got motivated to finish up another unit of Shot for The Pikeman’s Lament.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

This unit of shot – as with all of the units I have to paint up – are made up of quite a mix of figures from different manufacturers. This unit includes figures from Dixon Miniatures, Perry Miniatures, Old Glory, and even three of my own home-cast figures. The homecast figure is one of the earlier miniatures I modeled and cast (and seem to have lost both the original model and the mould!?). Painting htem up got me thinking: “I could probably do better now…” and seriously considering modeling a couple of pikemen and musketeers for giggles…

The Girl HAS been bugging me to show her how to make models for casting miniatures…

The Shot with their matching unit of Pike. I still have a unit of Musketeers in red to finish up and then units of Pike and shot in green and Orange planned.

Perhaps if I did a few figures of my own I could expand the forces into four complete companies of Red, Blue, Green, and Orange jacketed troops…? I guess I’d have to come up with some cavalry as well. Never made a horse model before…

Of course then I’ve have to run a campaign or something…

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have a solid block of painting time set aside on Friday and I think I’m going to have to just sit myself down and, despite all the toys I’d LIKE to be painting, I think I’m going to  try and finish that darned robot for Rick… I’d like to get that done before the Jet Bikes show up and I totally switch gears and get obsessed with those (I did get a notification earlier this week that mine are in the mail!)

(of course I got a notification that my Mike Bravo Miniatures were in the mail over a month ago now and I haven’t seen them yet, so…) 


  1. Very nice. Look forward to seeing what you do modelling and casting wise.

  2. Nicely done. My own efforts at casting are still limited to resin casualty figures, so I admire those who go that step farther into white metal.

  3. Nice looking blue regiment, be interested to see your horse sculpting!
    Best Iain

  4. Thanks guys! Don't hold your breath or anything on the sculpting/casting front - it is, for me, a very slow process. It'll be a while before I have anything ready (If ever I manage to complete any at all!)

  5. Excellent looking bluecoats! Your homecast figure is quite good.
