Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Montrose’s Irish Pike

This was my entry for round two of the Lead Adventure Forum’s Lead Painter’s League. It’s not a complete unit of twelve for The Pikeman’s Lament because I didn’t have enough figures for a  complete unit at the time I painted them. This week’s entry is a group of Shot (about half a units worth - for the same reason) and next weeks entry is a batch of four Pike and six Shot to finish off BOTH units.

(Remember: click on the pictures for a bigger version):

Irish Pike from Warlord Games. The flag is hand-painted and based off one of the paper flags included with the Warlord Games Montrose Irish box set.

Coming soon on Tim’s Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Perhaps the Irish Shot…? Or an assortment of other odd and sundry items that have crept onto the workbench and ended up with paint on them…?

I didn’t do a Boardgame Roundup for March – so I’ve been working on one for March AND April (but I won’t be posting that for another week and a bit – It’ll be a big ‘un, as I’ve been playing a LOT of boardgames lately!) 


  1. Very nice, I've got these to paint but they are waay down the line, your's as ever look fab!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain!

      I shall have to wait patiently to see yours then...

  2. Wahey! Go the boys!

    Lovely work on those Tim.

  3. Thanks Nic! More of these to come in the following weeks.

    Oh, and Jet Bikes... (that I'll be using for Faustus Furius 3000). They arrived this and I finished assembling the first yesterday!

  4. Wow. Makes me want to throw my stuff in the garbage and start again. Amazing painting, Tim.

    1. Gosh! Thanks Bob!

      (Please don't throw your toys away! I had a lot of fun playing with them last summer!)

  5. Flag is terrific, Tim! Figures are all crisply painted and look fab.
