Thursday, January 25, 2018

Tallarn Desert Raiders

It was overcast, but fairly bright the other day - optimal lighting conditions for taking pictures of miniatures - and not TOO cold, so I went and took some pictures of all the Tallarn Desert Raiders I've painted so far and post them all in a Page.

Here are the lot of them. You can see pictures of the individual units in the Tallarn Desert Raiders Page.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Just about finishing up two more Special Weapon Squads (because, y'know, I need MORE of those right now!?) then some Tau Pathfinders and some more Rogue Trader types.

I had hoped to be posting a report of Freezerburn 2018 - My friend John's annual minicon/game day - as I had planned on attending this year (as I have in the past), but I got a call this week letting me know I have appointment for an MRI scheduled for Saturday morning... so... no Freezerburn for me this year... This is the second one I've had to miss because of being in the Hospital! But hopefully I'll have some answers as to what has been causing all these head-screwiness/dizzy spells!


  1. Awesome looking force, with some perfect accompanying terrain. ;)

  2. Always great to take army pictures! (even as you expand it!)

    Why is the grenade launcher guy turned the other way though? Picture taken right as he was turning traitor?

    1. Thanks!

      Yeah... that moment when you've spent a couple hours arranging miniature and taking pictures and editing them when you suddenly realize that one of those whipper-snappers in the back set off some firecrackers and panicky Guardsman Aziz turned around to see what was going on just as you took that picture... BY THE THRONE AZIZ- GET YOUR HEAD TOGETHER!?

      Do I go out and set them all up again to take a new one!? Will anyone notice!? (of COURSE someone will notice... but EFF-it, I'm not setting them all up again...).

      Hopefully I'll have more done soon and will replace the pictures - and I'll set up the commissars in the rear with orders to shoot anyone that turns around!!

    2. Cpl. Aziz is rather jumpy. And that he turned around to look BEFORE the firecrackers went off is quite suspicious. Maybe an "interview" with the commissariate is in order.

    3. Prescience? Looks like it's the Black Ships for him then!

  3. Amazing looking forces!

    Where or how did you come by the pile of rugs? That's such a great detail!

    1. Thanks, CJ!

      The pile of rugs was in a set with two of the other market stalls. I think they were being manufactured by Mega Miniatures at the time, who have, unfortunately, gone out of business. I know they sold off a lot of their moulds, but I'm not sure if anyone ever picked up this line...? I think I also have a smiths shop and an armoury from the same line somewhere... half painted...

    2. I was going to comment on the cool vendors in the background as well. Very atmospheric. I didn't remember seeing these with Megaminis, but they had so much stuff it was hard to spot all the good ones.

    3. It is entirely possible I am wrong about that... I got them years ago off eBay...

  4. This is a fantastic collection, Tim. Well done!

  5. Better and better! Hope the scan goes well and the outcome is positive mate.

  6. Excellent photo, minis and terrain! Looks great all laid out like that! And the market stalls give me some ideas for some terrain pieces I am currently working on (different part of the universe though).

    Good luck with the MRI! If anyone ever tells you you need your head examined you will be able to tell them you did! ha!

  7. Great looking Tallarns! Good luck with the docs.
    Best Iain

  8. Very cool commissar figures. Are they GW, modified, something else?

    1. Thanks Dave!

      One of them in the Lawrence of Arabia figure from Artisan Designs - I just replaced his revolver with a bolt pistol.

      The other was a Steel Legion officer I got dirt cheap off eBay - someone had done a poor job at a head swap - left part of the respirator on his chest and stuff... It was a mess... I cleaned it up and carved off the respirator and I think put on a new head (plastic Catachan if I recall correctly?) and then greenstuffed on the headgear...
