Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Assorted 40k Minis

Taking a break from the Imperial Knight, I finished up a few odd and assorted 40K minis today. Some of these are to use with Blessings Unheralded - the Wrath & Glory Free RPG Day quick-start rules and adventure I'll be running on Friday. Others have just been on the workbench forever and I finally finished them up...

A solitary space marines of the Adeptus Astartes White Scars chapter. (Miniature from Games Workshop - of course!)

This will be Battle-Brother Trojon Kull - one of the pre-generated characters for Blessings Unheralded.

A female veteran Tallarn Sniper. The miniature is converted from an old I-Kore Void figure.

Navigator and Droid - from Lead Adventure Miniatures Astropolis II Kickstarter

Their backsides - so many bits and bobs and wee little details...

A pair of Astra Militarum Tankers from Games Workshop.  I painted them in standard Cadian green and Khaki, which is a colour scheme I don't mind. I started them ages ago and really just finished them up this week. After having taken these pictures, however, it has occurred to me that I won't actually HAVE any Cadian tanks... all my tanks (currently and planned for) are either Tallarn or Valhallan...


Detail of the one tanker and his t-shirt - taking a little inspiration from Jesse Custer's Zippo lighter from the Preacher comics...

(it said "FUCK COMMUNISM" - it had been presented to his dad by John Wayne himself while he was serving in Vietnam... I figured this t-shirt above might be the 40K version of such sentiment)

Valhallan Mortar team (from Games Workshop). The only new thing here is the mortar actually. The two crew I'd originally painted up on individual bases to use as regular infantrymen. I had the mortar, but as I only had ten Valhallan infantry at the time, I figured infantrymen would be more useful... now that I have a pile more inbound - including FIVE more mortar teams, I decided to paint up the mortar and rebase them as a team so I'd eventually have six mortar teams - which makes two Heavy Weapon Squads.

Some old school, Rogue Trader era Imperial Guard (from Citadel Minatures/Games Workshop). Four of these are minis I've had for 30 years and decided to strip and repaint a few years back. I though I might be able to pass the one on the right off as Sergeant Gael Harden - another of the pre-generated characters for Blessings Unheralded.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I have one or two more minis to finish up for the Wrath & Glory game on Friday, so expect those in the next day or two... Then I suppose it's back to work on the Imperial Knight...

I was hoping I might get in a few games of 40K with the family (or friends) now that all the kids regularly scheduled activities have wrapped up for the summer - so there may be a battle report or two in the not-too-distant future.


  1. Fancy brushwork! I especially like the mortar team.

  2. Lovely work! I love the sniper. Great camo.

  3. Great collection of sci-fi minis! I always like your style of painting with the black-lining and shading and good detail (like all those little bits and bobs on the droid).

    1. Cheers! I like it (but I get that not everyone does). I feel it makes details "pop" when viewed on the table - but I get that it can seem a little harsh when viewed up close. Conversely I feel colours and details that are finely graduated and look beautiful in up-clase pictures are muddied or lost when viewed at the distance you would normally view them on the tabletop... but that's me...

    2. Absolutely! There is painting for close-up viewing and painting competitions and such and there is painting for gaming and arm's length viewing. Yours work very well for the latter. In addition, your distinctive painting style ties together minis from lots of different manufacturers, where sculpting differences might stand out more with subtler painting styles. My style is different (although not aimed for painting competitions either), but I have always admired your bold painting style. It works. And your output is amazing, too. Keep up the great work!

  4. Lovely work all around, but I do like the red droid a lot!

    1. Thanks Dean. I was really back and forth about how to paint these droids - do I paint them in subdues tones or even camouflage to use with combat units? Do I pick a simple two-colour contrasting scene (like blue and white on R2-D2 or other astromech droids in Star Wars)? Eventually I settled on bright colours with lots of flair... I seem to be doing that a lot lately...

  5. Great looking droids, nice start to the Vallhalans, good looking space marine and sniper and of course it means you have to have some armour for your Cadians, so that means you'll have four guard armies,yeah!
    Best Iain (enabler)

    1. Tanks Iain!

      No, I'm not going to do any armour for the Cadians... I'm going to keep that force at a single platoon (3-5 squads plus a Commander and maybe a Primaris Psyker - so it could be fielded as a "Battalion" detachment) and mostly just use it for role-playing or a back-up force (or Command Point generator) for some other Imperial force (Sisters, Knights, etc).

  6. Great work Tim, neat mix of cool and classic figures here, well done.
