Saturday, July 28, 2018

Kill Team


Yeah... so... This kind of happened this morning...

The crazy thing is I'll probably be back at the Dragons Den next week to pick up the Astra Militarum Starter Team and the Sector Munitorium Kill Zone...

I'm planning to run this at ToonCon this year and want to have eight kill teams ready... Oh, I have a few I could field right now, but I'd like to finish up a few more newer ones - Drukhari, Chaos (a couple of heretic marines and some cultists), Orks, and the Fangs of Ulrich and Adeptus Mechanicus ones I just picked up. I already have enough stuff I could put any number of Astra Militarum/Imperial Guard teams (from a variety of regiments!) on the table or Eldar or Harlequins or the Tau Pathfinders (though I just picked up some old metal Stealth Battlesuits that could now be added to the team...).

I guess I better start painting stuff...

Actually this past week I've been trying to get the Terminators done for the Space Hulk game we got for Finnegan's birthday... um... like... two and a half years ago (it's a good thing he's a patient kid!). I AM GOING TO FINISH THOSE BEFORE I START ON ANY OF THIS STUFF!!!!

Then...? The next ten or eleven weeks before ToonCon will be devoted to assembling and painting up all the terrain I got here (and the terrain that came with Imperial Knights: Renegade) and those couple extra Kill Teams mentioned above... (and hopefully, if there's enough time, I'd really, REALLY like to finish up at least that first Imperial Knight! I did get a bit of work done on it earlier in the week before I decided it was now time to FINISH THE TERMINATORS!!

Gotta go paint... Stay tuned...


  1. Was thinking of getting 'KillTeam' , you have a LOT of painting/gluing there !

    1. Tell me about it! I'll probably spend 2-3 weeks of hobby time just assembling the stuff, let along actually getting some paint on them!

  2. That's a lot of building! Good luck with your terminators!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks! In addition to all the terrain in these boxes, I also have the Sector Mechanicus Galvanic Magnavent terrain from the Imperial Knights: Renegade box... Which mean I'm going to have kill zones with loads of terrain... When I actually get them all done!? Time to set up a little production line!

  3. Great stuff. One of the guys here went all in as well so I'm looking forward to trying out the rules later this week. I'm being a bit cautious before I jump in as I absolutely despise the 40K core rules, but I hear that they've mixed things up a bit to help break-up the brutal IGOUGO mechanic.

    1. Cheers! I am pretty excited about it. We had a lot of fun earlier this year with Shadow War: Armageddon. It had it's problems, but it was fun. I'd been thinking about jumping in on Necromunda for a while as I heard it had a completely new (for GW) activation mechanism, but then I heard this was coming out and hoped it would incorporate both the changes that were made in 8th edition 40K (SW:A came out at the end of 7th and was still mostly using 7th rules...) and the activation system in Necromunda. I don't think the new Kill Team is exactly like Necromunda, but it's looking pretty good so far... If it doesn't work out... well... I got a lot of cool terrain and minis to use with Wrath & Glory (which I am also going all in on when it's released post-Gen Con) or other SF Miniature games or role-playing games.

      I can't recall if I ever got around to commenting on you blog, but I've been following the Modern/near-future project that you've been working on and it looks AWESOME! Inspiring stuff!

    2. Thanks Tim, it's a fun diversion, and as an added bonus, I've received several interesting comments on TMP from our American friends. ;)
