Monday, August 27, 2018

Kamp Kill Team Campaign - Day One

For our last week of summer holidaze, we are hosting a pair of the kids friends (for the day - nine to five, each day, all week) and playing a short Kill Team campaign. I'd invited them earlier in the summer, and had dubbed the concept 40K Camp, but then we went and got all excited about Kill Team and decided to run a campaign all week long... I suppose it could still be called 40K camp... but Kamp Kill Team sounded more fun.

Kill Team has an interesting campaign system - while individuals gain experience, the team's standing is represented by a number of not-necessarily-tangible resources - representing their impact on the war effort: Intelligence, Materiel, Morale, and Territory. Unlike most campaigns, instead of gaining these resources through winning games, teams start with a set number of each and LOSE them by losing games (generally speaking - there are a few where you can gain some...). Once a team has had been reduced to zero in one category they become a guerrilla team and can on longer add new member to fire teams. Once all but one team has been reduced to a Guerrilla faction the last that final team wins.

We are playing a short Kill team campaign Monday through Thursday. Rather than playing until all but one runs out, everyone has started with ten in each category, and at the end of the week, we'll play a couple of regular 40K games - each player getting to field a force of a Power Level equal to the total of their remaining resources. i.e. if someone had 8 Materiel, 6 Intelligence, 7 Territory and 6 Morale, they will get to field 30 Power Level - which is a pretty small force.... but I like playing games with smaller forces - games are quicker and you can get more in!

The rough background we came up with for the campaign is it is taking place on a world once owned by the imperium, but was virus bombed and taken over by the minions of chaos. A small force was left behind to lord over the world... then it was invaded by Orks... then it was invaded by Tyranids... and then the Harlequins just sort of showed up for completely unknowable reasons... so the various factions have been battling it out in old fabricators and Departmento Munitorium storage vaults.


The Everdancing Rainbow
Mission: Veiled Blade
Background: Guardians of the Black Library
Quirk: Blades of Twilight

Rainbow Queen - Player - Leader - Heroic Protagonist
Stabpants - Player - Veteran - Eternal Wanderer
Twinkle Twinkle - Player - Combat Specialist - Plucky Sidekick
Raining Pouring - Player - Medic - Sombre Executioner
Little Star - Player
Humpty Dumpty - Player
All The Kings Horses - Player
92 points

Sandurz Scorcherz
Mission: Set Da Ooniverse on FIRE!
Background: Brain-Damaged Burnas
Quirk: Pyromaniacs

Burny Sandurz - Burna Boy - Leader - Brain-damaged Visionary
Burnanza - Burna Boy - Zealot - Ultimate Pyromaniac
Burn'ard - Burna Boy - Combat Specialist - Violent Loon/Excessive Scarring
Burnabas - Burna Boy - Demolitions Specialist - Scrapper
Mista Burns - Burna Boy
Shanka - Boy
Stabba - Boy
Crod - Boy
Badtoof - Boy
Runtpunta - Boy
Blargizar - Boy
96 points

The Brothers Khorr
Mission: Dark Ritual
Background: Predators
Quirk: Arrogant

Kharn Khorr - Aspiring Champion - Leader - Unstoppable
Aggravax Khorr - Chaos Space Marine Gunner - Heavy Specialist - Twisted
Executioner Khorr - Chaos Space Marine - Zealot - Crazed
Garax Khorr - Chaos Space Marine - Sniper - Cannibal
Iarsakh Khorr - Chaos Space Marine
Ashkal Khorr - Chaos Space Marine
Ashkal Khorr - Chaos Space Marine
Hard Khorr - Chaos Cultist
Fluffy Khorr - Chaos Cultist
99 points

No, that is not a typo, there are two brothers names Ashkal Khorr... I can imagine the leader introducing them; "Hi, my name is Khan, this is my brother Ashkal and this is my other brother Ashkal..."

The Bakers of Hivefleet Haemarhoid 
Mission: Aquire Cake
Background: Bakers of Hivefleet Haemarhoid
Quirk: Crave Bio-Matter (cake ingredients)

The Xenos Terror - Tyranid Warrior - Leader - Guardian Beast
The Ominous Shadow - Tyranid Warrior - Combat Specialist - Mimic
The Slavering Maw - Genestealer - Scout - Hive Node
Slayer - Hormagaunt - Veteran - Guardian Beast
Hungering Maw - Tyranid Warrior
Creature of Pain - Hormagaunt
Leaping Teeth - Hormagaunt
Death Leaper - Genestealer
100 points


Tyranids vs. Harlequins

Scenario: Recover Intelligence
Sector Mechanicus - Toxic Emmissions (+1 to Injury Rolls)

Scouting Phase
- Harlequins - Disarm Traps
- Tyranids - Take Forward Positions


The Tyranids advanced forward with their Take Forward Positions strategy from the Scout Phase, then with the initiative, aggressively launched an assault towards the Harlequin side of the Kill Zone.

In the scenario points are accrued EVERY turn based on how many of which the five objective markers on the table (the service hatches). hatches on the players side of the table were worth 1VP, the ones on their opponents side were worth 2VP and the one in the middle was worth 3VP.


One the first turn, two of the tyranid Warriors crashed into the troupe of Harlequins. Little Sky was taken out in this assault. Harlequins took down one of the Genestealers.

At the end of the turn, the Tyranids scored 5VP and the Harlequins 2VP.

The Harlequins danced in and out of combat and gave as good as they got. In round two the Tyranids lost a Tyranid Warrior and a Hormagaunt. The Harlequins lost Stab Pants and Humpty Dumpty. The Harlequins gained one more VP (for 3 total), and the Tyranids gained 2 more (for 7 total).

In the third round Twinkle Twinkle broke a nail and had to retire from combat. The Harlequins were now having to make Break Tests - which they easily passed. Harlequins gained +2VP, Tyranids +5VP.

Round Four - charging back in to attack... Tyranids +5 VP, Harlequins 0VP...

At the end of Round Four the writing was on the wall, there was no way the Harlequins could gain enough victory points to win and outnumbered by the Tyranids 2-1, there was no way she could take them all out and so conceded.

Stab Pants and Little Star were wounded seriously enough that they had to sit out the next round, so they recruited a couple of replacenements; Pop Goes the Weasel (a Zealot Specialist) and Jade Lightning (a regular Player). Rainbow Queen gained 2XP as she'd used her Leader Tactic and the Players Fire Team also gained 2XP as they'd taken foes out of action. The rest of the Specialists gained only 1XP. Having lost the scenario, they lost 2 Intelligence resources.

One of the Genestealers was seriously injured enough to miss the next game and the other one was outright killed. Two new Genestealers were brought up from the Hivefleet; The Muttering Shadow and The Hairy Armpit...!? All gained just 1XP.

Orks vs. Chaos Space Marines

Scenario: Terror Tactics
Sector Munitorum - no additional rules

Scout Phase
- Orks - Plant Traps
- Chaos - Scout Enemy Forces.

In this scenario players gained 2VP for each of their own models that made it off the enemies edge of the Kill Zone an 1VP for each enemy taken out OR if one side is left on the table as they only unbroken faction (i.e. if one side breaks and the other doesn't, the one that doesn't break instantly wins).

Orks ready to burn da world!

The forces of chaos setting up behind the crate that the Orks had planted bombs in...

 Both cultists, Hard and Fluffy, received flesh wounds when they traps the Orks had laid went off when they started moving.


From the get-go it was a pretty wild melee...


Burnin' and shootin' and fightin'...


A bunch of the Chaos guys tried to make a run for it along the table edge, and were pinned there by counter-charging orks...

In the end both got a couple of their own off the opposite side, but the Chaos forces took out a few more of the Orks and the Orks lost due to failing a Break Test.

The Orks had six out of action at the end of the game. Five recovered, including one specialist (Burn'ard) gaining extra experience due to his not-dying (that which doesn't kill you...?), but Burnanza died of his injuries. He was replaced by 'Artburn - another Burna Zealot Specialist. Because Burn'ard had actually used his specialty tactic, he gained a total of three XP and made it to 2nd level and took the Warrior Adept ability. All others gained 1XP. Having lost the scenario, they lost 2 Morale resources.

Fluffy and Garax Khorr were so grievously wounded they would have to miss the next action, but the others injured recovered quickly from their wounds. The specialists all gained 1XP, the Chaos Space Marine fire team gained 2XP and the Cultists gained 1XP. Two new recruits were brought in to cover for those that were convalescing - Hollow Khorr (a Chaos Space Marine Sniper Specialist) and Fiery Khorr (another cultist).


In round two the winners from Round One played each other, as did the losers.

Tyranids vs. Chaos Space Marines


Scenario: Terror Tactics
Sector Mechanicus - Toxic Emmissions (+1 to Injury Rolls)

Scout Phase:
Tyranids - Take Forward Positions
Chaos - Traps

The Genestealers launched off towards the table edge with their Take Forward Positions strategy.

After Advancing on the first turn, they were right at the table edge and ready to run off the following turn - if some Chaos Marines didn't blow them into oblivion!

The rest of the Tyranids made to follow them, but the Marines got all up in their face and in turned into a brutal brawl in the middle of the Kill Zone.

They played out four rounds, and then the game ended. The Tyranids had taken out five of the Heretic Astartes (and cultist followers) and got three off the other end of the Kill Zone (the two genestealers and a Hormagaunt, I think..) for a total of 11VP. The force of Chaos took out two of the Tyranids and one of their number made it out of the Kill Zone for a total of 3VP.

Four of the Brothers Khorr casualties survived their wounds, but one of the Ashkals died in a most gruesome manner. The Heavy Specialist gained 2XP, which was enough to get him to Level 2 and he gained the Suppressor ability. The Cultist also gained 2XP, having taken out a Hormagaunt, and also got to Level 2. They gained the Die-Hard ability. Everyone else gained 1XP, bringing them to 2XP, next game there will be a lot of "Levelling up". Having lost the scenario, however, they lost 2 Morale resources.

All of the Tyranids survived their ordeal against he minions of Chaos. Slayer the Hormagaunt Veteran made it to Level 2 and took the Practiced ability, and The Ominous Shadow, the Tyranid Warrior Combat Specialist also got to Level 2 and took the Warrior Adept ability. The rest will have to wait until the end of the next game to level up.

Orks vs. Harlequins

Scenario: Feint
Sector Munitorum - Scavenged Booty (the winner of the scenario GAINS 1 Morale resource!)

Scout Phase:
Harlequins - Take Forward Positions
Orks - Set Traps

In this scenario the attacking Harlequins had to blow up objective markers (using a 1CP tactic at the end of the battle round). for each they received 1VP. Also they received 1VP for each specialist taken out, and an additional 1VP if the enemy force fails a break test. The defending Orks received 1VP for each Objective NOT destroyed.

There was a lot of fighting and eventually the Orks numbers wore down the Harlequins.

By the end of Round Four there was only ONE Harlequin left on the table and SEVEN Orks! At that point the Harlequins chose to make a Strategic Withdrawl!

All the Harlequins made it out okay and would be back to fight again in the following action. Rainbow Queen, the Leader, made it to Level 2 and gained the Bold ability. Twinkle Twinkle, the Combat Specialist, also made it to Level 2 and gained the Warrior Adept ability. The Players fire team also made it to Level 2 and gained the Fleet ability (+1 Movement). Losing the game the Harlequins lost 1 Territory resource.

The Orks also all survived. Everyone gained an XP and the Boyz gained 2XP bringing them to Level 2 and thy collectively gained the Lethal ability (re-roll wound rolls of 1 in the fight phase). As they won this scenario, they gained 1 Morale resource.

Standings after Day One:

Intelligence: 10
Materiel: 10
Morale: 10
Territory: 10
Total: 40

Intelligence: 10
Materiel: 10
Morale: 9
Territory: 10
Total: 39

Heretic Astartes 
Intelligence: 10
Materiel: 10
Morale: 8
Territory: 10
Total: 38

Intelligence: 8
Materiel: 10
Morale: 10
Territory: 9
Total: 37

After round two we took a break from playing and did some PAINTING! While painting we listened to one of the Black Library audio dramas (Hunger by Andy Smilie). The unpainted Chaos warrior got painted and they all got some base texture!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Kamp Kill Team Campaign - Day Two!
Hopefully later in the week I'll have some more terrain painted as well!


  1. Lots of fun packed into a day,sou sou great!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers!

      Part way through Day Two - the Tyranids have finally been defeated! Orks tabled them on Round Three of the game!

      Everyone is all Level 2 now, which increases their point value and is reducing the number they can field... Smaller, meaner Kill Teams. Can't wait to see how Round Four goes.
