Friday, August 24, 2018

Sector Munitorum Kill Zone

This week I've mostly been working on the Sector Munitorum Kill Zone terrain for Kill Team. I was hoping to have enough terrain for two small Kill Zone boards, and with the completion of these containers, I think I probably have enough to get by.

The rush to get stuff done is because I'm going to be running a little Kill Team campaign next week. for the last week of summer vacation a couple of the kids friends (Da Boyz) will be coming over everyday this coming week - Monday to Friday - to hang out for the day and play Kill Team and hang out and paint miniatures and stuff. I'm calling it Kamp Kill Team. Stay tuned as I will post daily reports of the shenanigans we get up to!

Eight new Munitorum shipping containers. Six of them came from the Sector Munitorum Kill Zone box, the other two came with the Drop Force Imperator box. The smaller crates and barrels I painted previously. I still have a few Galvanic Servohaulers from the box to assemble and paint and a PILE more

I tried tagging a few - but only a few as I have other stuff to get on with painting. I may come back and do a few more at some point, if I'm feeling inspired. I also used a few decals on these. These, I think, are the first miniatures I've actually bothered to use decals on. Usually I just hand paint any such details...

This should be enough to create some interesting line-of-sight blocking set-ups.

The board that they are set up on is the board that comes with the Sector Munitorum Kill Zone box.

Hopefully over the weekend I'll be able to get a couple more things done - either the servohaulers or some more crates and/or barrels...

One evening while waiting for primer to dry, I actually assembled the Reivers that came with the Fangs of Ulfrich box (yeah, I went ALL IN). Hopefully I'll get some paint on those as well in the not-too-distant future.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog: 

More Kill team terrain and the Kamp Kill Team Campaign!


  1. Definitely some useful pieces to clutter up an area for skirmishes. Nice painting!

    (someone might be able to get around behind a flamer and take them out that way...)

  2. Dick dreamed of a weird symbol and painted it on the Emperor's property. Now the Inquisition has sanctioned Dick's homeworld with Exterminatus.

    If Dick had turned himself over to the Emperor's authorities immediately, only his own Hive would have been purged.

    Don't be a Dick.

    1. Wheaton's Law survives into the 41st Millennium...

  3. Lovely work as expected Tim! Curious about the containers, are the doors/ramps able to open close? Or are they fixed?

    1. Thanks Terry! The doors/ramps theoretically open and close, but I glued them all shut.... for... reasons... I find that most GW models with parts that theoretically move, either won't once painted or when you do move them paint comes off... Also I couldn't be bothered to paint the insides.

  4. Great looking lumps of scenery! Good cover.
    Best Iain

  5. This looks awesome! Great choice of colors!

  6. Nice work Tim, your terrain projects continue to inspire!
