Monday, August 13, 2018

Sector Mechanicus/Sector Munitorum Terrain

I got pretty excited about Kill Team a few weeks ago when it was released. Oh, I'm still pretty excited. But I was excited enough a few weeks ago to drop a ridiculous amount of money on some of it. Oh, in the grans scheme of things it's not really all THAT ridiculous. I know people that have spent more money on a single golf club... for golf... Which, to me, looks like the most mind-numbingly boring sport in the world (to each heir own!)... But for me, it felt like a lot...

I did get some COOL STUFF for all that money. In addition to the Sector Imperialis Kill Zone that game with the Kill Team Boxed Set, I also picked up the Sector Mechanicus and Sector Munitorum Kill Zones - boxed sets that come with a game board, some additional rules and cards for the game and a PILE of GW terrain - all for considerably less than buying the terrain on it's own would be. I also already had some Sector Mechanicus terrain that came with Imperial Knights: Renegade. I really like the Sector Mechanicus and Sector Munitorum terrain - much more than the new Sector Imperialis - they look like fun settings to have skirmish battles in.

The one disappointing thing about the sets is that the double-sided terrain boards have a Sector Imperialis print on the other side, rather than an alternative print for the terrain that come with it. Ideally I would have liked to see one that could have been bumped up against the other side (if you happen to have two of them) so you could have a larger Sector Mechanicus or Sector Munitorum space to play on.

I'm a little less exited about the Sector Imperialis terrain. Oh, I'll still build it and paint it and play  with it. My main beef with the Sector Imperialis is that it's mostly ruined walls.... but there is NO RUBBLE!? What happened to the rest of the walls? Was all the damage done by disintegrators!? I wasn't even aware anyone HAD that technology in 40K!?

I guess it will be neat that all the alternate side boards could butted up against each other to made a HUGE Sector Imperialis board to play on... but I'd need MORE Sector Imperialis terrain to put on it!? I feel a little like that was their plan all along - to sell a bunch more Sector Imperialis terrain... which isn't cheap... Ah, well...

I've been trying to get some of this new terrain assembled and painted this past week - while also starting on a few new Kill Teams. I probably SHOULD have just focused on ONE of the Sectors, but I've been kind of bouncing back and forth between Sector Munitorum and Sector Mechanicus.

Here's what I've managed to finish up so far....

Two bits of Sector Mechanicus terrain - on the Sector Mechanicus game board.

Detail of one. I tried to make it all rusty and dirty. to make it look like it's been in use for the last few centuries - or millennia!? Too much? Not enough? I can never tell... but once you start doing it somewhere, I feel like you're kind of committed to do the whole void-blasted thing!

This one I din't want to do rust all over this one. I did that little bit off to the side in yellow - just to have a little bit of contrast, but it looked just too damned bright! So, I felt the need to muddy it up a bit... Should future terrain (and vehicles) really have all that much rust on them? I mean, isn't it Plasteel or Ceramite these are all made of...? Would those rust...?

Quick and easy - a handful of trap-door/hatches. I figure these could be used as objective markers. The Square ones are from a small box of STC Rysa-Pattern ruins that I picked up at the same time.

The first of the Sector Munitorum terrain - on the Sector Munitorum board - along with the Arvis Lighter. I have twice as much as this many barrels and boxes still to assemble and paint! I'll do the rest in other colours. I like all the little bits and bobs that came with this set - I got even MORE of it with the Astra Militarum Starter Kill Team - and Finnegan gave me a second set of Sector Mechanicus Galvanic Servo Haulers - which, I guess, could be used with either - but are included in the Minitorum box. So there'll be LOTS of terrain to scatter around the Sector Munitorum Kill Zone

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

Kill Team game reports!? MORE Kill Team terrain!?

(Or more Space Hulk... Finnegan was asking again when we'd play next? I think he'd hoped we'd get a game in today... maybe tomorrow!)


  1. I like the terrain bits and the rust and grunge effect (but you're right about doing the whole void-blasted thing! ha ha). I'm not really interested in the game, but I could use some sci-fi terrain for other sci-fi skirmish games. Might be tempted to buy some of that stuff. I think I'll try to take a look at some in-store if I can, before I decide.

    1. That was my feeling, too - that if Kill Team happened to suck - I'd at least have a pile of cool Sci-fi terrain to use for other games! Having read the rules, I don't think it's going to suck that much, so that's a bonus!




  5. Thanks for these, Phil, but I do know how to MAKE rubble! I have plenty of my own homemade terrain ruined city terrain with LOADs of all over the place. I've already considered making piles of rubble to go with the Sector Imperialis terrain. I just think it's odd that GW hasn't bothered to include a bit of this and all the pictures of their terrain boards look funny with the walls and no rubble.

    I've been avoiding working on the Sector Imperialis terrain because I'm back and forth about whether I should put the plastic walls onto bases with rubble or if I should do all the rubble on separate bases? Will it weird if I have some terrain not on bases mixed up with some that are?

    Also, I know from experience that piles of rubble makes for a lot of "Wobbly Model Syndrome" - so I'm not always a fan of rubble - even though it looks wrong if there isn't any rubble. Which is why I'm liking the Sector Munitorum and Sector Mechanicus more at the moment - they're a bit cleaner. Offer lots of terrain to fight in and around with without looking too weird with there not being rubble and also not having rubble that constantly cause model to fall over.

    1. There are some pictures out there with what look like rubble piles matching the looks of the Sector Imperialis buildings. So it looks like that will be coming eventually.

    2. Well, there is this already...

      meant for adding to big bases, but could be used to make rubble around Sector Imperialis terrain...

  6. Sorry Tim no insult intended.
    I always thought of the hive cities as exactly that, cities inside cities. Raiders would be fighting in a `clean' undamaged industrial, residential or shopping zone. I picture Blade Runner, the end of Terminator or Heat. In the Ash Wastes I think more along the lines of Star Wars Mos Eisley,Mad Max and Magnificent 7 shootouts in desert towns.
    The old Cities of Death required a more Stalingrad in space... very grim and dark.

    1. I took no insult from your comments - I thought you were just being helpful. I thought maybe I wasn't clear about my statements, and reasoning behind such, in the post and tried to clarify. If it came off as defensive, I am sorry.

      I've often thought about battles in hive cities as well and pondered how to best replicate that. Tunnels like Necromunda? Vast open plazas - like a shopping mall, as you suggest. Tight corridors leading to residential has-units? I guess one could do it all...

      I wonder at how much damage the fighters could do, though, before it all came crashing down like killing EVERYONE!? I seem to recall reading a novel where there were Titans fighting INSIDE a hive!? How does that even work? How did I t not ALL come collapsing down?

      The idea of a hive I can kind of grasp on one level, but when I start to think to hard about details it all starts coming apart... Maybe I just need to turn off the brain at that point and enjoy the ride..

    2. Thinking about it some more, Not only would the rubble piles need the remains of the building materials... but also the detritus of all the STUFF that once occupied the buildings: boardroom tables, kitchen tables, chairs of all varieties, beds, computers, boxes and boxes of unpainted miniatures (well, that's what people would find in the ruins of MY house!), assorted household or business appliances...

  7. Nicely done Tim. One thing that would help is if the others who will play have had to 'buy' these kits as well...then their is their terrain pieces that could be 'added' to what you have for a fuller board.

    Not sure when I will get to any of mine, however I have been buying them!

    1. I'm trying to get stuff done because among the core group that I will mostly play with (which is pretty much just my family these days) none of them are going to paint up any of this terrain any time soon.

      Also I'm trying to get enough of it together to run a Learn To Play at ToonCon in October with just the stuff that comes in the boxes.

      Why am I not surprised that you've bought a pile of it and haven't gotten to any of it yet...?

    2. HAHAHA Tim, its that eternal optimist in me that always things that it gives me something to look forward too!

    3. Right, right... "If I still have stuff to build and paint, I can't ever die!!!"

  8. I like the rust even if it is illogical! I also think you need a little bit of rubble suggesting that there is more,looks great and wow have you been playing a lot of space hulk!
    Best Iain

    1. Cheers!

      I know, it IS a DARK future, right? Everything should be grimy and rusty... even it it's stuff that wouldn't normally rust... It's just that rustifying everything is SO MUCH WORK!

      Space Hulk has been fun. We didn't get to play today, I have a felling we'll be playing tomorrow... well, that or KILL TEAM!
