Wednesday, August 15, 2018

Thermic Plasma Conduits

I've decided to focus on my Sector Mechanicus terrain. Once I have enough of that to sufficiently clutter a Kill Zone board, I'll move on to finishing up the Sector Munitorum stuff. After that I'll get to working on Sector Imperialis stuff.

Today I managed to finish up the Thermic Plasma Conduit that came with my Sector Mechanicus Kill Zone...

Thermic Plasma Conduit

I just realized I didn't bring one of the control points out, which I had also finished. I haven't painted the little plasma fusion batteries that can be fitted into the control points... I'll get to them...

I left them in smaller section rather than glueing them all together so they could be set up in a variety of different arrangements.

Like so...

Or, like so...

Some Skitarii for scale. These will be great to scatter around the Sector Mechanicus kill zones - providing cover for the kill teams operating in the area.

With some of the other terrain I have done so far.

Ad Mech Skitarii investigating a crash site.

What could have caused this?

I do have a game (or gameS) planned for this evening and this will likely be the Kill Zone we fight in.

Hopefully I'll have a game report I can post tomorrow.

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

A Kill Team Game Report!

More Sector Mechanicus terrain!

I'd like to say more Space Hulk, but probably once we get started with Kill Team, I'm afraid it might fall by the wayside again for a bit...


  1. That terrain looks good. Nice touches with things like the blue panels. Smart move to keep the sections separate for flexibility in arranging them, too.

    1. Thanks!

      The blue panels are supposed to be windows to see the plasma energy coursing though the conduits... or... something like that...?

  2. Looks good! I love the idea that lengths of pipe randomly surface and dive back under ground for no apparent reason.

    1. Thanks Millsy! Who can understand the mind of a Adeptus Mechanicus tech priest. Surely there is a reason, however inefficient or beyond understanding to mere morals such as us!

    2. Underground pipelines pop up for a variety of reasons. There are valves, control/switch points, pigging stations, to name a few.

    3. Oh, there you go, mr-journeyman had to go and make it all rational for us!

      I figured as much, myself, but thought it was more fun thinking it was for unknowable reasons of the adeptus mechanicus. I mean, in the setting, stuff that you know would be forbidden knowledge for the average citizen of the imperium who has been brought up to fear technology and trust in the Adeptus Mechanicus (and the proper incantations to duplicate the machine spirits!)

    4. Beautiful work. Speaking as an ignorant layman, it strikes me that each one of those joints is just another gasket waiting to fail.

    5. Totally. I think in the original kits for the Sector Mechanicus, there are optional extra rules for 40K that once per round you roll a d6 and on a 6 (or 1..?) one random terrain element vents out some plasma doing d3 mortal wounds to a unit within a certain distance... or... something like that!?

    6. Actually in Kill Team there are also special rules for different kill zones and different terrain bits. For this conduit there are three different "tactics" that can be used(similar to "Stratagems" in 40K 8th - special actions which command points can be spent one). One called "hit the conduit" (1 command point) when shooting at a target within 1" of the conduit a roll of 6+ on a wound roll causes an additional mortal wound (from plasma venting out the hole...

  3. Great looking pipes and the inspection panels work well with a little Pop of blue!
    Best Iain

    1. The little bit of blue does make a big difference, doesn't it. I'd though of painting those bits gold, but I don't think there'd have been enough contrast to make it as interesting.


  4. That's pretty impressive. Now I want to buy a box.

    1. I know, they're so fun, right? Now that I've put them together and spent a good long time looking at them and considering them, I want to get another set myself because I though of a dozen different ways I could have assembled these BETTER!

  5. I agree. Very impressive. You are well on the way to a superb table set up for your games.

  6. Fantastic work - I’m such a laggard when it comes to painting terrain, but this is inspiring.
    Who makes that terrain board/cloth underneath? Is that a GW product as well?

    1. Thanks Greg!

      Yes, the board is from the same Sector Mechanicus Kill Zone box that I got all the conduit in. The Kill Zone boxes are a pretty sweet deal - as far as GW things go - it's $175 worth of terrain (if bought separately) PLUS the double sided board to play on PLUS a bunch of new Kill Zone specific scenarios and tactics cards for Kill Team... for $100.
