Sunday, September 9, 2018

Death World Forest - Barbed Venomgorse

It's been a busy week with skewl and all the regular activities of fall starting up! We've been trying to cram a lot of games in for the Game-a-Day September challenge and lots of bike rides before the weather gets awful and last weekend we binge-watched all of Stranger Things Season One (I actually got all of the deathward forest terrain assembled while watching it - along with starting a few of the Drukhari Wyches). I did manage to find some time to paint a few of the pieces of terrain that came with the Death World Forest Kill Zone....

Barbed Venomgorse (and Eldtrich Ruins) from Games Workshop's Death World Forest Kill Zone - on the Death World Forest Kill Zone board. If you're having trouble making out details of the pieces, you're not the only one. The Death World Forest Kill Zone board is very busy and I find it difficult to make out details myself - even in all the pictures of it in the booklets and on the internet taken by the professional photographers at GW!

Also it was a bit dark this morning when I was taking the pics and not everything is in focus...

This particular Kill Zone seems particularly nasty! There are options on both the Kill Zone special rule table and in some scenarios where ALL terrain (even "open" ground) is considered Dangerous Terrain (roll d6 every time one of your models moves - on a 1 they receive a mortal wound!)

Even if you're not using one of those special rules or scenarios, there are tactic cards - that cost 0 command points, and thus can be used EVERY turn if any players wish to - that makes all Barbed Venomgorse and all open ground within 1" into Dangerous Terrain!

this is actually an "Eldritch Ruin" which can be used to tap to give +1 to all psychic tests - for those few Kill Teams that can actually HAVE Psykers...

A Kill Team of Guaiacan Commandoes hidden among the Barbed Venomgorse...

I have three or four more of these to finish up, then a pile of "Shardwrack Spines" and a couple or other smaller bits... Am I going to get them done before Warhammer 40,000 Kill Team: Rogue Trader is released next weekend...? Probably not... But I'm still going to pick it up!?

I'm curious to see what comes next for Kill Team? It seems they're releasing two Kill Team starters along with a new Kill Zone - Marines and Orks with Sector Mechanicus, Astra Militarum and Tyranids with Sector Munitorum, Drukhari and Deathwatch with the Death World Forest. They also seem to be releasing them in the order they were presented in the Faction Focus Index article. So it seems Harlequins and T'au Empire should be next, but I'm not sure if that will be later this month or next month (I'm guessing NEXT month, as this month has already had the Drukhari and Deathwatch with the Death World Forest last week, AND the new Rogue Trader box next week!) But what will the new Kill Zone be...? All new terrain!? Will they start releasing Starters without an accompanying Kill Zone. I'm willing to bet that the Harlequin one will include a Webway Gate!

Coming Soon to Tim's Miniature Wargaming Blog:

I was planning to get in a game with Finnegan this afternoon - hopefully a game of Kill Team and maybe a game of Space Hulk if there is time - so perhaps there will be a game report or two following that.

We are trying to keep up with our September Game-a-Day challenge. I was thinking I'd do weekly posts, but now I'm feeling I'll probably just do two, one later this week and one at the end of the month.

With any luck I'll find some more time to paint this week and finish up some more terrain - and/or some more of the Drukhari Kill Team. I still have a PILE of terrain to finish up! the Servohaulers from the Munitorum set, piles of Mechanicus stuff, and ALL of the Sector Imperialis terrain!

As excited as I am about Rogue Trader, I might have to put it in a closet and ignore if for a few weeks to get some of this other terrain finished up - Terrain that I'll be needing for the game I'm running at ToonCon less than five weeks from now! Bah! who am I kidding, totally going to be cranking out those Rogue Trader bits next week! My biggest worry is getting bogged down in painting up all the Gellerpox Infected...


  1. Wow, Tim. Those are strange and beautiful. You are a consummate gamer!

  2. Nice scenery,I didn't realise it was so big until I saw it with the figures,lovely work,!
    Best Iain

    1. I also totally didn't really grasp the scale of them initially. Before their rerelease as a Kill Zone for Kill Team, most of the pictures of them on the GW website didn't have figures - as far as I can recall - and so I imagined them being much smaller. The "Shardwrack Spines" I imagined being almost as tall as a 28mm figure, but in reality they are almost twice as tall! I thought I was going to blast through these - but being bigger than I initially imagined, there's a whole lot more surface area to cover - and a lot of the details I though I'd ignore, I now feel compelled to paint!?


  3. It seems a shame to have such a busy visual background that it drowns out beautifully painted figures and scenery.

    1. It definitely is odd to photograph. Joking aside, however, I should probably wait and see how it actually is playing on it before passing final judgement!
